!!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '$null'. 'Name' Attribute cannot be modified - owned by the system 'set-acl.exe' not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, 'Set-ExecutionP...
Hi All,i have a powershell script that reads from an Excel file on sharepoint and update my calendar with shifts events. it simply create tasks on my...
# 提前存储已打开的excel实例,用于后续释放com对象 $process_id = @((Get-Process excel -ea:0).Id) # 输入/输出 $input_file = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'student_grade.xlsx' $out_file = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'student_grade.txt' Write-Output "beging to read $input_file" # 创建 com 对...
$process_id = @((Get-Process excel -ea:0).Id) # 输入/输出 $input_file = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'student_grade.xlsx' $out_file = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'student_grade.txt' Write-Output "beging to read $input_file" # 创建 com 对象,打开 excel 应用 $excel = New-Object -ComObje...
Paste the following PowerShell script into Notepad (or another editor), and then save the file as UpdateOCSUser.ps1 in your PowerShell folder: Note The following script sample has code that wraps to the next line of the document. In addition, the script performs updates for the system confi...
Path$scriptDir-ChildPath$excelFileName# 创建日志目录if(-not(Test-Path-Path$logDir)){New-Item-Path$logDir-ItemTypeDirectory-Force}# 设置日志文件名和路径$logFileName=Get-Date-Format"yyyyMMdd"$logFilePath=Join-Path-Path$logDir-ChildPath"$logFileName.log"# 尝试读取Excel文件并发送邮件try{if(Test-...
Excel can read and store CSV data. Attempt 2:Use CSV data (with Export-CSV) This is not a good solution either because: CSV is not just another type of Excel file. On opening a CSV data file, Microsoft Excel converts data automatically. This is not acceptable. ...
Standalone powershell script for pulling excel to sql server works and also when calling from Task scheduler, but powershell script fails when called from Sql Agent and SSIS(Sql Server Integration Service). Error message received: To do that I created a COM object t...
Where Cmdlet 會接受輸入物件的集合,並且在 ScriptBlock 中評估每一個物件,以根據定義的準則決定每個物件是否應在 Cmdlet 的輸出中顯示。符合準則的每個物件會產生一個 True 比較,並包含在輸出中;產生 False 值的物件則不會包含在內。 因此,我決定我只想要其 StartMode 屬性等於 Disabled 的物件。以 Windows Power...
function sign ($filename) { $cert = @(gci cert:\currentuser\my -codesigning)[0] Set-AuthenticodeSignature $filename $cert } 现在只需输入以下内容即可签名您的脚本:复制 Sign c:\scripts\myscript.ps1 当然,该配置文件脚本应该是您签名的第一个文件!最终原则就是通过几个步骤使脚本签名尽可能方便,...