When it comes to using Windows PowerShell to install print drivers, there is the long way and the short way. The long way is…well…long and rather complicated. The short way is easy. The difference in the two methods is not necessarily a conscious choice, but rather a function of the ...
Windows PowerShell Jonesy6123 Copper Contributor Aug 28, 2024 I have a script that installs printer drivers onto a machine. It has worked perfectly for years up until yesterday. This is the script: # This script works on Windows 8 or newer since the add-prin... ...
Get-Content-PathTest.txt |ConvertTo-Html 还可以通过在文件的提供程序路径前面加上美元符号 ($) 来检索文件的内容。 由于变量命名限制,路径必须用大括号括起来。 有关详细信息,请参阅about_Variables。 PowerShell ${C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts} ...
# Set-ExecutionPolicy or Script Signing documentation needs to be reviewed# Current script is designed to run on individual machines##$ChassisTypes= @{1='Other'2='Unknown'3='Desktop'4='Low Profile Desktop'5='Pizza Box'6='Mini Tower'7='Tower'8='Portable'9='Laptop'10='Notebook...
Add-CMComplianceSettingScript Add-CMComplianceSettingSqlQuery Add-CMComplianceSettingWqlQuery Add-CMComplianceSettingXPathQuery Add-CMDataWarehouseServicePoint Add-CMDeploymentType Add-CMDeploymentTypeDependency Add-CMDeploymentTypeInstallBehavior Add-CMDeploymentTypeReturnCode Add-CMDeploymentTypeSupersedence Add-CM...
sometimes even prevents scripts from executing properly. This error message generally indicates a crash within PowerShell due to various underlying issues. The most common cause of this error is a problem in the system or script execution that PowerShell cannot handle, leading to its sudden ...
Printer Driver not found in DriverStore even though the file is there I have a script that installs printer drivers onto a machine. It has worked perfectly for years up until yesterday. This is the script: # This script works on Windows 8 or newer since the add-...
$action=New-ScheduledTaskAction-Execute"powershell.exe"-Argument"-File 'C:\Scripts\Script.ps1'"$trigger=New-ScheduledTaskTrigger-AtLogOn$settings=New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet-AllowStartIfOnBatteries-DontStopIfGoingOnBatteriesRegister-ScheduledTask-Action$action-Trigger$trigger-TaskName"TaskName"-Description...
Administrative permissions: Many Windows programs require administrative permissions to install properly. This allows the program to make changes to the system registry, add or remove files and folders, and install drivers or other software components. ...
Install-Module -Name Azure.Storage -RequiredVersion 4.5.0 若要確認已安裝模組的版本,請輸入: Get-InstalledModule -name Azure.Storage 若要解除安裝任何其他版本模組,請輸入: Uninstall-Module -Name Azure.Storage 下載AzCopy 10 至您的 Windows 用戶端。 記下此位置,因為您會在執行指令碼時...