We are looking at making some changes to a W10 registry value via the deployment of a PowerShell script using the Intune Management Extension (IME)It's a simple one-liner calling Set-ItemProperty to change a value, but when it runs via the IME it fails stating it cannot find the path....
As I mentioned above, a registry key can contain value entries. You can think of each value entry as an attribute of a registry key. You use the*-ItemPropertycmdlets to manage individual registry values. But how does this relate to the question? Let’s begin by looking at the scr...
"Unable to find a default server with Active Directory Web Services running" when calling a script with Import-module AD "Unable to process the request due to an internal error" After AD Upgrade "WITH" Keyword In Powershell? “The security identifier is not allowed to be the owner of this...
Of course, all the pushing and popping and setting of locations are not really required. It is entirely possible to change the registry property value from any location within the Windows PowerShell provider subsystem. Only the step… The short way to change a registry property value:...
Set-CMTSStepRunPowerShellScript [-TimeoutMins <Int32>] [-UserName <String>] [-UserPassword <SecureString>] [-WorkingDirectory <String>] [-RegistryKey <String>] [-RegistryOperator <VariableOperatorType>] [-RegistryValueData <String>] [-RegistryValueName <String>] [-RootKey <RegistryRootKeyTyp...
Changing a Service The next thing I want to do is change a service's startup mode. Again, I start by trying to find the right cmdlet. So I run Help *Service*. This returns a short list, and the Set-Service cmdlet looks like the only one that will fit my needs. I want to test...
If this attribute isn't present or is set to False (which is the default value), it would indicate that the cmdlet does not support calls to the ShouldProcess method.All cmdlets that change resources outside of Windows PowerShell should set the SupportsShouldProcess property to true when ...
these applications to start more slowly because there are a lot of instructions for the Windows PowerShell engine to carry out before it becomes ready for the hosting application. In fact, even powershell.exe can take a while to start up if you've got a very large profile script to ...
The meat of this script is where it defines a new access rule in the variable $rule. To do this, I am using a "raw" .NET Framework class, which is perhaps the most complicated part of permissions management under Windows PowerShell. The script then retrieves the ACL from each file and...
PowerShell executes the begin statement when it loads your script, the process statement for each item passed down the pipeline, and the end statement after all pipeline input has been processed. 3. 采用main函数的script语句 function Main