Using the info you provided I can get the relative path, however it does keep one relative path using diferent paths. Your script is missing the $report variable, and you reference $builder before you create the object. Your Select-object references a path value, but Get-Childitem objects do...
在PowerShell中,可以使用$PSScriptRoot变量来获取当前脚本文件的所在目录的绝对路径。通过将相对路径与$PSScriptRoot变量拼接,可以得到相对于当前脚本文件的绝对路径。 以下是一个示例: 代码语言:txt 复制 # 获取当前脚本文件的绝对路径 $scriptPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "relative\script.ps1...
$scriptPath = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition 然后,使用Join-Path命令将XAML文件的相对路径与脚本文件的目录路径拼接起来,得到XAML文件的绝对路径。 代码语言:powershell 复制 $xamlPath = Join-Path -Path $scriptPath -ChildPath "relative\path\to\xaml.xaml" 最后,使用Get-Content命令读...
When the script completes, that scope is removed and the function is removed with it. The function needs to be loaded into the Global scope. That can be accomplished by dot-sourcing the script that contains the function. The relative path can be used. PowerShell Copy . .\Get-MrPS...
This tutorial describes how to use a PowerShell script to implement Microsoft Entra ID API-driven inbound provisioning. Using the steps in this tutorial, you can convert a CSV file containing HR data into a bulk request payload and send it to the Microsoft Entra provisioning /bulkUpload API ...
$Results=$Employees|ForEach-Object-Process{$Employee=$_$Account=$Accounts|Where-Object-FilterScript{$_.Name-eq$Employee.Name } [pscustomobject]@{ Id =$Employee.Id Name =$Employee.Name Email =$Account.Email } } 但是,该实现必须针对$Employee集合中的每个项筛选一次$Accounts集合中的所有 5000 项...
For example, the following command runs the FindDocs.ps1 script in the C:\TechDocs directory: C:\TechDocs\FindDocs.ps1 You can run any executable command using its full path. As a security feature, PowerShell doesn't run executable commands, including PowerShell scripts and native commands, ...
In the PowerShell session, navigate to the script folder that contains the PowerShell script, template files, and source documents that you created earlier. Run the PowerShell script by typing its name with a relative path at the PowerShell prompt. ...
Invoke-Obfuscation 选择免杀文件:set scriptpath 选择编码方式:encoding 输出免杀文件:免杀成功 ...
Describes the Windows PowerShell script debugger, a set of cmdlets for debugging scripts and functions. about_Do Describes the Do statement, which runs a script block one or more times subject to a While or Until condition. about_Environment_Variables ...