You can find in this section examples of tasks that can be achieved by the console but where a PowerShell script would allow it to be done faster. Most of these tasks should be performed as a Windows scheduled task and so run during non-business hours....
For more information about delay-bind script blocks, see about_Script_Blocks.ValueFromRemainingArguments argumentThe ValueFromRemainingArguments argument indicates that the parameter accepts all the parameter's values in the command that aren't assigned to other parameters of the function....
Parameters Advanced functions Show 9 more PowerShell one-liners and scripts that have to be modified often are good candidates to turn into reusable functions. Write functions whenever possible because they're more tool-oriented. You can add the functions to a script module, put that module in...
you have the script, then 2 parameters (space is the delimiter here, remember).Serviceget passed down as a positional parameter to the first one available$s. You did not define a second parameter in your script so the remaining argumentupget passed down to the default handler$args...
有关详细信息,请参阅 about_CommonParameters。$Event包含一个 PSEventArgs 对象,该对象表示正在处理的事件。 此变量仅在事件注册命令的 Action 块中填充,例如 Register-ObjectEvent。 此变量的值与 Get-Event cmdlet 返回的对象相同。 可以在 Event 脚本块中使用 $Event.TimeGenerated 变量的属性,例如 Action。
string. 在时ScriptType = FilePath是必需的。 指定PowerShell 脚本在目标计算机或 UNC 路径(如C:\BudgetIT\Web\Deploy\Website.ps1)上的位置,该路径应可从目标计算机访问。 InlineScript-脚本 string. 在时ScriptType = Inline是必需的。 默认值:# Write your powershell commands here.\n\nWrite-Output "Hell...
NAME New-Module SYNOPSIS Creates a new dynamic module that exists only in memory. SYNTAX New-Module [-Name] <String> [-ScriptBlock] <ScriptBlock> [-ArgumentList <Object[]>] [-AsCustomObject] [-Cmdlet <String[]>] [-Function <String[]>] [-ReturnResult] [<CommonParameters>] DESCRIPTION ...
A typed parameter that accepts pipeline input (by Value) or (by PropertyName) enables use ofdelay-bindscript blocks on the parameter. Thedelay-bindscript block is run automatically duringParameterBinding. The result is bound to the parameter. Delay binding doesnotwork for parameters defined as ty...
So I have a powershell script that is supposed to run an executable with an argument to pass to set which method I want to run, and I need to pass a parameter, which is a directory to a config file. So this is what I have Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\test...
PowerShell itself provides "help" for a script with the -? switch, but this help will only list the allowed parameters without explaining them. In that case you can check the source code for help on command line arguments (parameters and switches) and to check the meaning of return codes/...