PHP代码-: <?php $user = ""; $script = "C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\shell_script\\sc.ps1"; $query = shell_exec("powershell -command $script <nul"); if($query) { echo "Successful" ; } else echo "Failed"; } ?> POWERSHEL 浏览4提问于2015-07-27得票数 1 2回答 如...
We use a PowerShell script to manage an agency wide email signature file for all users. We've recently added pronouns (gender) to extensionattribute2 using ADSI Editor. What is the specific code and where do I place the new user extensionattribute2 in the PowerShell script? It ...
Set-Outlook-Signature Dynamically set user's signature based on his AD attributes. A modification of Daniel Classon's script. Clean-Spooler.ps1 Clean old spooled documents. Find-Username.ps1 Find computers where specified user is currently logged in. Fix-Acl.ps1 Scan all nested objects inside a...
Adding a digital signature to a script requires that it be signed with a code signing certificate. Two types are suitable: those created by a certificate authority (such as Verisign etc.), and those created by a user (called a self-signed certificate). If your scripts are specific to your...
Create multiple local user accounts with text file and disable them after a period of time time with powershell script. Create New Excel Worksheets Create object reference by specifying PID Create Outlook email draft (with HTML formatting) using PowerShell Create powershell object using dynamic prope...
Hi, I'm trying to trigger a powershell script when an email arrives with a particular word in the subject. Now, I know that it is easy to set up the rule part of this, it's the outlook script that is throwing me. If anyone has any words of direction, I would be very grateful....
请注意替换 <邮箱策略的 Identity 属性值> 为实际的邮箱策略 Identity 属性值,并在 -SignatureHTML 参数中替换 <html><body>这里是您的签名内容</body></html> 为您想要设置的签名内容。 以上步骤将会将签名设置为 Exchange Online 用户。关于 PowerShell、Exchange Online 用户签名的更多信息,您可以参考腾...
However, remote scripts—those executed from a network location, those downloaded from the Internet using Internet Explorer, or those received in e-mail in Microsoft Office Outlook—must carry an intact, trusted digital signature. AllSigned. This setting allows any script to execute provided it ...
DoNotPreserveMailboxSignature 參數會指定移動不會保留信箱的對應簽章。 您不需要使用此參數指定值。 因為具名內容識別碼已用盡,建議您只在移動要求失敗時使用此參數。 如果您使用此參數,當移動要求完成時,使用者必須重新啟動 Outlook。 展開資料表 Type: SwitchParameter Position: Named Default value: None Required...
當您將憑證安裝在 Windows® 電腦之後,便可以使用 Set-AuthenticodeSignature 指令程式碼來建立和套用數位簽章,這時候指令碼尾端會出現一系列看起來像亂碼的註解行。有的指令碼編輯器會讓您選擇將簽章套用到指令碼檔,有機會在儲存指令碼時自動簽署它,將很方便。