此属性用于 script-parameter,允许将 $null 作为不支持隐式转换的强制参数的参数。请考虑函数调用 Test,它具有以下参数块,调用方式如下:PowerShell 复制 param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowNull()] [int[]] $Values ) Test 10, 20, 30 # $values has Length 3, values 10, 20, 30 Test ...
In this case, chances of finding a file “Servers.txt” in a folder “PSDemo” on the root of the driveC:are very limited to the machine of the owner of the script. One easy way to force users to enter the parameter is by assigning an expression that throws an exception as the def...
延迟绑定脚本块在 ParameterBinding 期间自动运行。 结果绑定到 参数。 延迟绑定不适用于定义为 ScriptBlock 或System.Object 类型的参数。 脚本块在不调用 的情况下 传递。 有关 延迟绑定 脚本块的详细信息,请参阅 about_Script_Blocks。 ValueFromRemainingArguments 参数 参数ValueFromRemainingArguments ...
CredentialIf you supply a credential object to the –credential parameter, Windows PowerShell accepts it as is. This is great for interactive use, but what if you want to write an automated script for a cmdlet that accepts a –credential parameter? The solution lies in passing a preconstructed...
If you’ve written pipeline functions before (also called “filtering functions”), then you already know everything else you need to know in order to write a “script cmdlet.” The PROCESS{} script block is where your code goes, and it will execute once for each object piped into your ...
Note: A mandatory [switch] parameter is an edge case, given that switches are usually optional. However, mandatory [bool] parameters are affected as well, as are [hashtable]-and [scriptblock]-typed ones. The value entered by the user is ...
[ValidateScript("$_ % 2", ErrorMessage ="The item '{0}' did not pass validation of script '{1}'")] [Parameter(Position =0, Mandatory = true)]publicint32 OddNumber {get{returnoddNumber; }set{ oddNumber =value; } }privateint32 oddNumber; ...
Mandatory Argument: used to declare a required parameter. Position Argument: used to determine if a parameter name is required when used in a command. ParameterSetName argument, ValueFromPipeline Argument, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName argument, HelpMessage Argument, Alias Attribute, SupportsWildcards...
Steps to reproduce Run this script (via PowerShell -File ...) param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Foo = 'hi\{0}\hi' -f $PSScriptRoot ) Write-Host $Foo Function Bar { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Bar = $P...
[Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [scriptblock]$Expression, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [psobject[]]$InputObject)Begin{$stopWatch=New-Object-TypeName'System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch'<# We need to define result as a list because the way objects ...