docker run -it --rm myimage powershell C:\script.ps1 上述命令将在myimage镜像的新容器中启动一个交互式会话,并执行容器内的C:\script.ps1脚本。 这样,就可以从主机的Powershell脚本中运行Docker容器中的Powershell脚本了。 对于这个问题,腾讯云提供了一系列与容器相关的产品和服务,例如腾讯云容器...
在几秒钟内停止PowerShell查看文件,可以通过以下步骤实现: 使用Ctrl+C快捷键:在PowerShell窗口中按下Ctrl+C组合键,即可立即停止当前正在执行的命令或脚本。这将立即终止PowerShell查看文件的操作。 使用Stop-Process命令:可以使用Stop-Process命令来终止PowerShell进程。首先,需要找到正在运行的PowerShell进程的进程ID(PID...
autoStart; ManagementClass siteClass = CreateClassObject(Computer, "Site"); try { siteClass.InvokeMethod("Create", args); } catch (COMException comEx) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(comEx, comEx.Message, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, Name)); } if (PassThru.IsPresent) { string getSiteScript = "...
[3] = autoStart; ManagementClass siteClass = CreateClassObject(Computer,"Site");try{ siteClass.InvokeMethod("Create", args); } catch (COMException comEx) { WriteError(newErrorRecord(comEx, comEx.Message, ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, Name)); }if(PassThru.IsPresent) {stringgetSiteScript ="get-...
ScriptDescription cd-autostart.ps1 Set the working directory to the user's autostart folder. Read more... cd-desktop.ps1 Set the working directory to the user's desktop folder. Read more... cd-docs.ps1 Set the working directory to the user's documents folder. Read more... cd-downloads...
I am currently doing a powershell script, that sets up the PC, but i can't find out how to do that functions. The PC has freshly installed Windows 10 on it. I want to use it on Windows Home and Windows Pro, so it should be in the Registry and not the…
Get-VM –VMname * | Where-object –FilterScript {$_.vmname –notlike “tglab-dc*”} | Set-VM –AutomaticStartDelay 120 Now run the following command to view both the automatic start action and start delay of each VM: Get-VM –VMname * | Select-Object VMname,AutomaticStartAction,Auto...
在PowerShell运行*.ps时,出现*.ps1 is not digitally signed. The script will not execute on the systeGet-ExecutionPolicy-List解决方法: 在PowerShell中执行 用Set-ExectionPolicy 设置执行策略 Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass ...
Self elevating PowerShell script Windows 8.1 / PowerShell 4.0 + if (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) { Start-Process powershell.exe "-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ...
Can't recognise 'Play Mod.bat' as an internal or external command, or batch script. I was wondering if someone knew how to fix this, or the other thing I heard might be possible would be converting the file into a shell script and running that instead? I'm not very versed in this ...