Below script is configured to get information for all users from all Domain Controllers. To get the list of all Domain Controllers and to loop through them, user below code:Copy Get-ADDomainController -Filter * | select name | foreach-object { "'$($'" ...
$servers = Get-ADComputer -Filter {OperatingSystem -like "*Server*"} -SearchBase $ouPath # 遍历每个服务器对象,获取lastlogonDate属性 foreach ($server in $servers) { $lastLogonDate = (Get-ADComputer $server -Properties LastLogonDate).LastLogonDate Write-Host "服务器: $($server.Name...
Change Service Log on with powershell script Change Shortuct Target path - Powershell Change SID on files & folders Change the location of an image manually in Powershell Change the value of an array element in ForEach loop? Changing contents of a text box multiple times in a powershell fo...
$Users|Select-Object-PropertyName, LastLogonDate, LastBadPasswordAttempt 查询Active Directory 时,使用属性参数Get-ADUser筛选源中的数据,以便仅返回必要的属性。 PowerShell复制 Get-ADUser-Identitymike-PropertiesLastLogonDate, LastBadPasswordAttempt
在此示例中,$PSNativeCommandUseErrorActionPreference 变量在脚本块内更改。 更改是脚本块的本地更改。 当 scriptblock 退出时,变量将还原到其以前的值。$PSSessionApplicationName指定使用 Web 服务管理(WS-Management)技术的远程命令的默认应用程序名称。 有关详细信息,请参阅 关于Windows 远程管理。系统默认应用...
Change property type for an existing object Change Service Log on with powershell script Change Shortuct Target path - Powershell Change SID on files & folders Change the location of an image manually in Powershell Change the value of an array element in ForEach loop? Changing contents of a...
function two{$Script:var1=20;one} one two one 执行结果: The Variable is 10 The Variable is 20 The Variable is 20 PowerShell条件控制的用法: 一、循环类 1.foreach的用法 用法一如下: $var=1..6 #定义数组 foreach($i in $var)
function two{$Script:var1=20;one} one two one 执行结果: The Variable is 10 The Variable is 20 The Variable is 20 PowerShell条件控制的用法: 一、循环类 1.foreach的用法 用法一如下: $var=1..6 #定义数组 foreach($i in $var)
Script:脚本模块,通常以.psm1扩展名存在。 Manifest:清单模块,通常以.psd1扩展名存在。 Binary:二进制模块,通常是.dll文件。 查看已加载的脚本模块: Get-Module -Type Script:列出所有已加载的脚本模块。 查看已加载的二进制模块: Get-Module -Type Binary:列出所有已加载的二进制模块。