下面是一个简单的介绍,展示了如何使用PowerShell函数来执行PowerShell脚本。 以下是一个名为ExecutePowerShellScript的PowerShell函数示例: function ExecutePowerShellScript { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ScriptPath, [string[]]$Arguments, [switch]$NoProfile, [string]$ExecutionPolicy = "RemoteS...
// output script file to temp path File.WriteAllText(scriptFile, scriptContent); ProcessStartInfo proInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); proInfo.FileName = "PowerShell.exe"; proInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; proInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; proInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proInfo.Arguments = st...
$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "powershell.exe" -Argument "-File C:\Scripts\MyScript.ps1" Register-WmiEvent -Query $query -SourceIdentifier "MyEvent" -Action $action ``` 上面的示例代码创建了一个事件订阅,该订阅将在系统中创建新进程时触发,事件处理程序是运行名为 "MyScript.ps1" 的...
PowerShell Script ExecutionPolicy 项目 2009/08/05 Seeing as PowerShell is included by default in Windows 7, and also because you get the PowerShell icon on your quick launch bar by default, I try to use that over the de rigueur cmd.exe command interpreter that we have all had since ...
# Script to set the Computer description in AD for the computer on which it is executed from. # Example Command line Powershell.exe -Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass -file .\SetComputerDesc "Computer Description" [string]$Description = $args[0] ...
proInfo.FileName = "PowerShell.exe"; proInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; proInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; proInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proInfo.Arguments = string.Format(" -File {0}",scriptFile); var proc = Process.Start(proInfo); proc.OutputDataReceived += Proc_OutputDataReceiv...
欺骗 还有种方法 利用cs的argue 参数欺骗 参考0x3师傅powershell一句话上线直接运行powershell.exe一句话上线命令,会直接被火绒及360拦截 execute执行powershell.exe(shell命令不会成功,因为shell本质是cmd.exe /c arguments) 更多方法可以参考肖洋肖恩师傅 (测试的时候发现部分已不能用了) 转载于先知社区 ...
!!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '$null'. 'Name' Attribute cannot be modified - owned by the system 'set-acl.exe' not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, 'Set-ExecutionP...
當Command參數可以將傳遞至Command的值辨識為ScriptBlock類型時,命令參數只會接受腳本區塊來執行。 只有在從另一個PowerShell主機執行時,才可能這樣做powershell.exe。ScriptBlock類型可以包含在現有的變數中、從運算式傳回,或由 PowerShell 主機剖析為以大括弧括住的常值腳本區塊,{}再傳遞...
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strCommand = "powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File C:\path\to\script.ps1" objShell.Run strCommand, 0, True 上述代码中,objShell.Run方法用于执行PowerShell脚本。strCommand变量指定了要执行的PowerShell命令,其中-ExecutionPolicy Bypass参数用于绕过执行...