You can find in this section examples of tasks that can be achieved by the console but where a PowerShell script would allow it to be done faster. Most of these tasks should be performed as a Windows scheduled task and so run during non-business hours....
Examples: powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File Win10-Menu.ps1 -auto -run mine.csv powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File Win10-Menu.ps1 -atos -load WinDefault FAQ Q:The script file looks all messy in notepad, How do i view it?
调用包含函数的脚本时出现的问题是,函数加载到 Script 作用域中。 脚本完成后,将删除该作用域,并随之一起删除该函数。 需要将函数加载到 Global 作用域中。 可通过对包含函数的脚本进行“dot-source”操作来完成此操作。 可使用相对路径。 PowerShell
Add-WindowsFeature, Get-WindowsFeature modules not recognized in powershell. ADD-WorkSheet Excel Adding -Verbose to a Cmdlet Prevents Script From Terminating on Error Adding a 2 line streetaddress to user accounts in Active Directory Adding an AD account to an AD group Adding an image as an ov...
In a script, theForEachconstruct is the most common way to process items that you've placed into an array. It's easy to use because you don't need to know the number of items to process them. The previous example has only one command between the braces, but you can ...
You can find additional Windows PowerShell script examples in the FIM ScriptBox ( The FIM ScriptBox contains community-generated scripts to accomplish many common tasks.Create FIM Service Resources Using Windows PowerShellTo...
有时候可能需要从批处理文件、定时任务或者其它非PowerShell程序调用PowerShell脚本,语法:PowerShell “& ‘full path of the script’ arguments”。如下例子是从CMD调用PowerShell。 6. 如何获知最后执行命令的状态 PowerShell提供了两个变量可以检测最后执行的命令是否成功:$lastExitCode和$?。
To enable a simpler administration of Hyper-V VMs running Windows 10 or Windows Server, you can use a feature called PowerShell Direct.PowerShell Direct enables you to run a Windows PowerShell cmdlet or script inside a VM from the host operating system regardless of network, firewall, and...
APIPA1.00Get or set the IP AutoConfiguration status (a.k.a. APIPA) forallnetwork adapters2016-11-14Make sure you understand what this script will do before using it! This is a Windows-only script. Asc1.00Get the numeric ASCII value for the specified character2016-10-25 ...
If you type (or copy and paste) the script examples into the Windows PowerShell ISE starting on line 1, then your line numbers will correspond with the line numbers in the descriptions.Windows PowerShell Script FilesA Windows PowerShell script file is nothing more than a plain-text file ...