we use aforloop to iterate from 1 to 5. In each iteration, we generate a unique file name using the loop variable$i, combine it with the folder path usingJoin-Path, and finally useNew-Itemto create the file.
$scriptPath = '.\' $logfilePath = Create-Log -LogFolderRoot $scriptPath -LogFunction "Publish_Compliance_Tag" if ($ResultCSV) { $tagRetFile = Create-ResultCSV -ResultFolderRoot $scriptPath -ResultFunction "Tag_Creation" $tagPubRetFile = Create-ResultCSV -ResultFolderRoot $scriptPath -...
$PSScriptRoot- 包含執行文稿的目錄。 在 PowerShell 2.0 中,此變數只有在腳本模組 (.psm1) 才有效。 從 PowerShell 3.0 開始,它在所有腳本中都是有效的。 $MyInvocation- 自動$MyInvocation變數包含目前腳本的相關信息,包括啟動方式或「叫用」的相關信息。您可以使用此變數及其屬性,在腳本執行時取得腳本的相關信...
Can not execute powershell script from shared folder Can PowerShell be used to delete hidden USB/COM Ports? Can PowerShell restore previous versions of files/folders via Volume Shadow Services (VSS)? Can someone explain this - get-aduser displays passwordneverexpires as false ( this mean the ...
如果<condition>表达式为 true,则执行<if-true>表达式 如果<condition>表达式为 false,则执行<if-false>表达式 例如: PowerShell复制 $message= (Test-Path$path) ?"Path exists":"Path not found" 在此示例中,当 返回 时,$message的值为Path exists。Test-Path$true$false返回 时Test-Path,的$messagePath ...
Using Powershell to create a web application in a folder that is not an application 45 How to specify application pool identity user and password from PowerShell 4 How to set ID attribute in IIS web-sites through windows powershell command 0 how to change iis l...
If you want to return verbose information instead ofTrue/False, you can use theifstatement like this. if(Test-Path-Path"C:\New\Documents") {Write-Host"The given folder exists."}else{Write-Host"The given folder does not exist."}
Install Any location: Download, Extract, and Open PowerShell and Change Directory to ssm.ps1 to run script.Wiki Windows 10 may require to unblock downloaded files. In the Steam-Server-Manager folder. Usegci -r | Unblock-Filecommand Add SSM to Path to usessmcommand in any directory without....
After downloading the script package, you need to extract all the files to a folder on a domain joined computer. For example: c:\script. Run theImport-Modulecmdlet to import this module file: 001 Import-Module filepath\FixDuplicateMailAddresses.psm1 ...
PowerShell笔记 - 15.文件系统,15.文件系统本系列是一个重新学习PowerShell的笔记,内容引用自PowerShell中文博客在PowerShell控制台中,文件系统有很特别的重要性。一个明显的原因是管理员需要执行许多涉及文件系统的任务。另一个原因是文件系统是一个层次结构信息模型。