switch(1,2,3) {2{continue}# moves on to the next element, 3default {$_} } Output 1 3 在陷阱语句中使用 continue 如果在正文中执行的最后一个语句是trapcontinue语句,则捕获的错误将被静默忽略,并且紧跟导致发生的语句后trap继续执行。 不要在循环、开关或陷阱之外使用 continue ...
PowerShell Direct enables you to run a Windows PowerShell cmdlet or script inside a VM from the host operating system regardless of network, firewall, and remote management configurations. Next unit: Use Windows PowerShell to remotely administer a server ...
New-CMTSStepRunPowerShellScript -Name <String> [-SuccessCode <Int32[]>] [-Condition <IResultObject[]>] [-ContinueOnError] [-Description <String>] [-Disable] [-DisableWildcardHandling] [-ForceWildcardHandling] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]Power...
Continue a Windows PowerShell Script After Restart Continue after error Control MP4 playback using powershell Control size of Excel window openned with PoweShell? Conversion error when inserting into a SQL Server table Convert a perl script to use in powershell instead Convert a string to a PSOb...
1 if the script terminated due to an exception or if the result of the last command set $? to $false 0 if the script completed successfully and the result of the last command set $? to $true For more information on the File and Command parameters, see about_Pwsh. $Matches The $M...
Well, in a VBScript Select Case statement once a true condition has been encountered the script exits Select Case; it doesn’t continue checking all the other conditions. That isn’t necessarily true in Windows PowerShell. PowerShell checked to see if $a contains 5 consecutive digits; because...
While($true) {While($true) {#The break command will only break out of this while loopbreak}#The script will continue to run on this line after breaking out of the inner while loop} 如果你想跳出一个特定的嵌套循环,break命令使用标签作为它的参数。
Specifies the operation that's performed on each input object. This script block is run for every object in the pipeline. For more information about theprocessblock, seeabout_Functions. When you provide multiple script blocks to theProcessparameter, the first script block is always mapped to the...
Our custom object script starts out by creating an empty array named $colAverages: $colAverages = @() And yes, wedidsay that using an array seemed a bit heretical. But don’t worry; we aren’t going to use this array to somehow store a batter’s name and batting average; that is...
Get-Command : 'Is-NotACommand' isn't recognized as a cmdlet, function, operable program, or script file. At line:1 char:12 + Get-Command <<< Is-NotACommand | Out-Null 列印數據 Out-Printer僅適用於 Windows 平臺。 您可以使用 Cmdlet 列印資料Out-Printer。 如果您沒有提供印表機名稱,Cmdlet...