function Click-AtPosition($x, $y) { # Move the mouse to the specified position [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position = New-Object System.Drawing.Point($x, $y) # Perform the click [Mouse]::mouse_event([Mouse]::MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0) Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 [Mous...
ftp upload subfolder content with powershell script... get trouble reading from subfolder Function "Main" in PowerShell Function parameter validation, accept multiple variables types Function says "The term 'time' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable fu...
I want to highlight my script or portions of my script with my mouse and click one button to run it, that's all. I got this idea from my short lived days as an SQL developer where you can highlight a piece of SQL and click run to return results. When I joined Microsoft, I ...
This signed script only can be run on your own computer, if you want to run it, you must export the root certificate you created on 3rdstep of Generate Certificate and import them to your target computer. 1) Select the certificate, right click your mouse, select All Tasks -> Export top...
Disable UAC prompt for Powershell Script Disable Windows Update via Powershell Disable-ADAccount: Insufficient access rights to perform the operation Disable/Enable Mouse Disabling and moving AD accounts disabling password complexity via powershell Disk information $a=gwmi win32_logicaldisk -fi "drivetyp...
After launching the application under test, my script obtains a handle to the application itself and the child controls on the application. It then simulates a user-click on the application's Search button. The application responds to the button click with an error message box. My script locat...
Disable UAC prompt for Powershell Script Disable Windows Update via Powershell Disable-ADAccount: Insufficient access rights to perform the operation Disable/Enable Mouse Disabling and moving AD accounts disabling password complexity via powershell Di...
Here is a sample usage of this script: tsqlpp.ps1 -Source c:temptestcases.sql -Target c:tempout.sql Some usage tips: Right click and save the file to your machine, do NOT run it directly from this blog site To execute the script your PowerShell execution policy must be set to Remot...
After launching the application under test, my script obtains a handle to the application itself and the child controls on the application. It then simulates a user-click on the application's Search button. The application responds to the button click with an error message box. My script locat...
CTRL+Left Mouse Clickon the button will open folder where script attached to the button is located SHIFT+Left Mouse Clickon the button will open the script attached to the button with your default ps1 text editor 🔌 Compilation Download and install Visual Studio 2022 ...