Powershell 默认支持的.NET类型如下。 [array],[bool],[byte],[char],[datetime],[decimal],[double],[guid],[hashtable],[int16],[int32],[int],[int64],[long],[nullable],[psobject],[regex],[sbyte].[scriptblock],[single],[float],[string],[switch],[timespan],[type],[uint16],[uint3...
搭配SSH (#10721 使用 Invoke-Command 時,新增 ScriptBlock 的位置參數,) (感謝 @machgo!) 如果有多行,但沒有 ConciseView 的指令碼名稱,則會顯示行內容資訊 (#10746) 將\wsl$\ 路徑的支援新增至文件系統提供者 (#10674) 在剖析器中針對 TokenKind.QuestionMark 新增遺漏的權杖文字 (#10706) ...
1 索引组件使用用于验证输入值的 ScriptBlock。在以下示例中,EventDate 参数的值必须大于或等于当前日期和时间。 如果值无效,错误消息将报告指定的日期和时间太旧。PowerShell 复制 param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript( {$_ -ge (Get-Date)}, ErrorMessage = "{0} isn't a future ...
类型: ScriptBlock Position: 0 默认值: None 必需: True 接受管道输入: False 接受通配符: False-GE指示如果属性值大于或等于指定值,则此 cmdlet 获取对象。 已在Windows PowerShell 3.0 中引入了此参数。 展开表 类型: SwitchParameter 别名: IGE Position: Named 默认值: None 必需: True 接受管道输入: Fa...
I am new to PowerShell and I am at a loss. Working with Idera I have put together this script #To place the Instance in Maintenance Mode #To...
For example, you can pipe a value to aNameparameter only when the value has a property calledName. Note A typed parameter that accepts pipeline input (by Value) or (by PropertyName) enables use ofdelay-bindscript blocks on the parameter. ...
According to Idera's documentation (which is rather crude, I must say), theSet-SQLdmMonitoredInstancecan accept a string array for the Path parameter, which I've reflected in the $Instances variable definition ([string[]] is an array of string values; [string] is just a ...
Add -Force parameter to Resolve-Path and Convert-Path cmdlets to support wildcard hidden files (#20981) (#24344) Add telemetry to track the use of features (#24247) (#24331) Treat large Enum values as numbers in ConvertTo-Json (#20999) (#24304) Make features PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion...
比如下面的例子我们打开PowerShell,然后输入 New-Item 命令会提示位于命令管道位置 1 的 cmdlet New-Item请为以下参数提供值:Path[0]:这个时候我们不输入参数,直接点击回车按钮...ParameterBindingValidationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorEmptyArrayNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell....
functionGet-FunctionPosition{ [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType('FunctionPosition')]param( [Parameter(Position =0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('PSPath')] [System.String[]]$Path)process{try{$filesToProcess=if($_-is[System.IO.File...