that is what the script is all about in the first place. The reason, is thatTest-Pathdoes not know how to work with registry key property values. It will attempt to work, but it does not.
As I mentioned above, a registry key can contain value entries. You can think of each value entry as an attribute of a registry key. You use the*-ItemPropertycmdlets to manage individual registry values. But how does this relate to the question? Let’s begin by ...
Registry Add a registry key Add or modify a registry key value Remove a registry key Remove a registry key value Script Service ServiceSet User WindowsFeature WindowsFeatureSet WindowsOptionalFeature WindowsOptionalFeatureSet WindowsPackageCab WindowsProcess ...
Admin rights to run powershell script to update registry ADSI for local accounts ADSISearcher constructor ADUser PasswordNeverExpires -eq 'false' Advanced audit policy setting using powershell Advanced Functions - flags? Advanced Tab of Internet Options change registry key with PowerShell All AD Groups...
Add-CMComplianceSettingAssembly Add-CMComplianceSettingDirectory Add-CMComplianceSettingFile Add-CMComplianceSettingIisMetabase Add-CMComplianceSettingRegistryKey Add-CMComplianceSettingRegistryKeyValue Add-CMComplianceSettingRule Add-CMComplianceSettingScript Add-CMComplianceSettingSqlQuery Add-CMComplianceSettingWqlQu...
$hash["<key>"] ="<value>" 例如,若要将值为“Now”的“Time”键添加到 hashtable,请使用以下语句格式。 PowerShell $hash["Time"] ="Now" 还可以使用hashtable对象的方法Add向System.Collections.Hashtable/> 添加键和值。Add方法采用以下语法: ...
Unrestricted:允许所有的Script运行 我们还可以使用下面的cmdlet命令设置PowerShell的执行策略。 Set-ExecutionPolicy [policy name] 策略名 (3) 运行脚本 运行一个PowerShell脚本,必须键入完整的路径和文件名。例如,你要运行一个名为a.ps1的脚本,可以键入 C:\Scripts\a.ps1。最大的例外是,如果PowerShell脚本文件刚好...
these applications to start more slowly because there are a lot of instructions for the Windows PowerShell engine to carry out before it becomes ready for the hosting application. In fact, even powershell.exe can take a while to start up if you've got a very large profile script to ...
This little script can easily create the Snap-In assembly. The first thing that I need to do is create an alias for the C# compiler, once that is established I find the location of the System.Management.Automation.dll and compile the assembly:...
Within the scriptblock you can write the code necessary for your script to perform its desired function. You can add parameters in one of two ways. The first uses a single parameter, like this: PowerShell FunctionMyFunction ($param) {#work} ...