Delete files on remote server Delete files/folders on remote servers using powershell Delete folder based on date of creation of folder Delete Folders base on the Creation Time Delete permissions on a folder. Delete printers on remote computer Delete registry key owned by TrustedInstaller Deleting a...
此連線至資料庫的方法只適用於 SQL Server (Azure SQL Database 不支援)。PowerShell 複製 # Import the SqlServer module. Import-Module "SqlServer" -MinimumVersion 22.0.50 # Navigate to the database in the remote instance. cd SQLSERVER:\SQL\servercomputer\DEFAULT\Databases\yourdataba...
Status Name DisplayName --- --- --- Running winrm Windows Remote Management (WS-Manag... 應該將 PowerShell 設定為可以遠端執行。 PowerShell Enable-PSRemoting-Force 輸出 WinRM is already set up to receive requests on this computer. WinRM has been updated for remote management. WinRM fire...
该方法可节省大量时间的示例是:在升级过程中,当各个会话运行 database-attach-upgrade 时,完成所有数据库升级所需的时间仅受 SQL Server 资源限制。 如果要在特定服务器上完成多个短时间运行的任务,但不想不断键入 Invoke-Command,请使用以下方法之一。 可以通过键入 Enter-PSSession $sess,输入该服务器的交互会话。
Function Get-HelpText { $helpText= ` @" DESCRIPTION: NAME: BackUpAndClearEventLogs.ps1 This script will backup, archive, and clear the event logs on both local and remote computers. It will accept a computer name, query AD, or read a text file for the list of computers. PARAMETERS: -Lo...
$con = "server= host name of Microsoft SQL Server;database=RTCConfig;Integrated Security=sspi" #Create a command object that includes your query string. $cmd = "Select Name from sysobjects where Name Like 'MSFT_SIP%'" #Access the SQL Server client libraries, and then create the data ...
本书中的示例已经针对在Windows Server 2008 R2上的SQL Server 2012测试过。 1.3.1 如何做… 右键单击任务栏中的“Windows PowerShell”图标,选择以系统管理员身份运行“Run as Administrator”。 执行如下语句。 验证是否能加载ISE。 你也可以通过“Start”、“All Programs”、“Accessories”、“Windows PowerShel...
$cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand↵ $cmd.connection = $conn↵ This does all the hard work. It creates a SQL “INSERT” query to insert a new row into the database table. Note that I’m using the –f formatting operator to insert four pieces of information into the...
原文出自: Joe.TJ翻译整理,仅用于传播资讯之目的。 SMO是一个对象集合,它允许你自动化任何Microsoft SQL Server相关的管理任务。同样的,对于不熟悉面向对象编程的DBA来说,最大的障碍就是使用更令人生畏的...
Server 2008 R2 with SQL Server 2012 installed. Second, since most of the commands we are running are administrative commands you will need to launch PowerShell “as administrator” otherwise you will get the following error. You can readherefor details on how to run PowerShell as administrator...