Clear-Historyclhy从命令历史记录中删除命令。 用于管理历史记录的键盘快捷方式 在PowerShell 控制台中,可以使用以下快捷方式来管理命令历史记录。 UpArrow- 显示上一个命令。 DownArrow- 显示下一个命令。 F7- 显示命令历史记录。 ESC- 隐藏历史记录。
By default, Windows saves all of the commands that you type in the PowerShell console to a text log file. This allows you to re-run any command and view the history of the PowerShell commands that you have run, even after you close the console or restart your computer. PowerShell curre...
One way to find out is to simply run a command and see what happens. Using one of my top ten favorite Windows PowerShell tricks, I use the range operator and begin assigning new values. Here is the command I use. 1..50000 | % {Set-Variable -Name MaximumHistoryCount -Value $_ } W...
先提示您,再從尚未分類為受信任或未受信任的發行者執行腳本。 執行已簽署但惡意腳本的風險。 Bypass 未封鎖任何專案,而且沒有任何警告或提示。 此執行原則是針對PowerShell腳本內建在較大應用程式中的組態所設計,或針對PowerShell是其本身安全性模型之程式的基礎組態所設計。
InvokeHistoryCommand() Properties 展開表格 CommandOrigin This property tells you if you were being invoked inside the runspace or if it was an external request. (Inherited from InternalCommand) CommandRuntime Holds the command runtime object for this command. This object controls what actually...
描述: Get-Help 是多用途命令, 其作用是帮助你了解找到CmdLet 命令后如何使用它们, 如果使用的是help 函数或man 别名(而不是 Get-Help cmdlet)则不会收到此提示Do you want to run Update-Help?。 Tips : Get-Help 也可用于帮助查找 PowerShell 相关命令,但与 Get-Command 相比它采用不同且较为间接的方式...
b) 开始菜单 -> 运行(run) -> 输入”PowerShell”。启动成功后和上图一样。 c) 命令提示符(Command Prompt) -> PowerShell。启动后效果如下: 启动成功后就可以在里面输入要执行的命令了,这就是PowerShell的交互界面。 2. 如何运行程序、脚本和已有的软件 ...
Invoke-Command Invoke-History New-Module New-ModuleManifest New-PSRoleCapabilityFile New-PSSession New-PSSessionConfigurationFile New-PSSessionOption New-PSTransportOption Out-Default Out-Host Out-Null Receive-Job Receive-PSSession Register-ArgumentCompleter ...
Clear-History Deletes entries from the command history. Clear-Item Deletes the contents of an item but does not delete the item. Clear-ItemProperty Deletes the value of a property but does not delete the property. Clear-Variable Deletes the value of a variable. Compare-Object Compares two ...
powershell.exe-NoExit-Command"& '.\test.ps1'" 如果你要编辑脚本,命令要简单的多,根据你的选择指定编辑器,然后将脚本路径传递过去: notepad.exe".\test.ps1" 上下文菜单的扩展接下来会被写入注册表,当然需要管理员权限: # 创建HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT快捷方式: ...