您也可以從 PowerShell 執行作業系統原生命令,例如和ipconfig.exe等ping.exe傳統命令行程式。 PowerShell 中的三個核心 Cmdlet Get-Help Get-Command Get-Member(第3章涵蓋) 我經常被問及:「您如何找出 PowerShell 中的命令為何?」。和Get-Command都是Get-Help在PowerShell中探索和瞭解命令的寶貴資源。
您也可以從 PowerShell 執行作業系統原生命令,例如和ipconfig.exe等ping.exe傳統命令行程式。 PowerShell 中的三個核心 Cmdlet Get-Help Get-Command Get-Member(第3章涵蓋) 我經常被問及:「您如何找出 PowerShell 中的命令為何?」。和Get-Command都是Get-Help在PowerShell中探索和瞭解命令的寶貴資源。
$process=Start-Process-FilePath"你的可执行文件路径"-ArgumentList"参数列表(如果有)"-NoNewWindow-PassThru-Wait # 获取 main() 函数的返回值 $exitCode=$process.ExitCode # 输出返回值 Write-Output"程序退出代码:$exitCode" 样例输出: PSD:\>$process=Start-Process-FilePath"./a.exe" PSD:\>$exitCo...
$process= start-process ping.exe -windowstyle Hidden -ArgumentList"-n 1 -w"-PassThru -Wait$process.ExitCode# This will print 1 If you run it without-PassThruor-Wait, it will print out nothing. The same answer is here:How do I run a Windows installer and get a succeed/fa...
Windows PowerShell 是針對 Common Language Runtime 4.0 所建立。 Cmdlet、指令碼與工作流程作者可以使用 Windows PowerShell 中新的 Microsoft .NET Framework 4 類別,其功能包括應用程式相容性與部署、Managed Extensibility Framework、平行運算、網路、Windows Communication Foundation 及 Windows Workflow Foundation。
Details:Executes a program returning the process object of the application. Allows you to control the action on a file (verb mentioned above) and control the environment in which the app is run. You also have the ability to wait on the process to end. You can also subscribe to the proces...
(Beginner) Powershell - getting machine names from a text file and run queries, functions and conditions (Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation ) in powershell [ADSI] Local Groups Users, Users Type, etc ... [ADSI]::Exists [DateTime]::TryParse is not working for me ...
I want to create a process to run an ant command, and then wait for that process to finish in several minutes. If time out and the process still running then I want to kill it. I have wrote some code as below: $p= Start-Process"cmd.exe"'/c ant execute'-PassThru -RedirectStandard...
从PowerShell 7 开始,RunAs32参数在 64 位 PowerShell (pwsh) 上不起作用。 如果在 64 位 PowerShell 中指定了 RunAs32,则Start-Job会引发终止异常错误。 若要使用 RunAs32启动 32 位 PowerShell (pwsh) 进程,则需要安装 32 位 PowerShell。
If the process finishes before the 10 minute window is up, the script will note how long the timer had to wait for the process to finish. From there the script will immediately continue on its merry way to the call to the SETUP.EXE (or whatever...