Invoke-Command -ComputerName COMPUTER -ScriptBlock { COMMAND } -credential USERNAME COMPUTER represents the computer’s name, COMMAND is the command you want to run, and USERNAME is the username you want to run the command as on the remote computer. You’ll be prompted to enter a password f...
hi,i want to run a command on 60 computers remotely, i have a list of of csv as well , can i do it by some automatic way, like powershell or other simple way ...command is belownet time \ip-address /set /yes All replies (4)...
I have run the following command successfully on a computer locally, can this be run on remote computers by adding the computer name? I've tried a few different ways but it doesn't seems work Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName Internet-Explorer-Optional-amd64 -Online -NoRestart Many ...
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName <Remote Host IP Address> -Credential <UserName> 4. PowerShell远程命令的基本使用见官方文档:Running Remote Commands Start an Interactive Session (Enter-PSSession and Exit-PSSession) Run a Remote Command / Script (Invoke-Command) Establish a Persistent Connection (New-PSSes...
Summary: Learn how to use Windows PowerShell to run a command on a remote server. How can I run a command on a remote server by using Windows PowerShell Remoting? Use theInvoke-Commandcmdlet, specify the computer name, and place the command in a script block: ...
PowerShell 有許多不同的方式可對遠端電腦執行命令。 在最後一章中,您已瞭解如何使用 CIM Cmdlet 從遠端查詢 WMI。 PowerShell 也包含數個具有內建 ComputerName參數的 Cmdlet。 如下列範例所示,Get-Command可以搭配ParameterName參數來判斷哪些命令具有ComputerName參數。
Invoke-Command使用 Cmdlet 在遠端電腦上執行Start-Job命令。 此命令需要 PSSession (持續性連線) 。 如果您使用的Invoke-CommandComputerName 參數來建立暫時連接,當傳回作業物件時,Invoke-Command命令會被視為完成。 因此,暫時連接會關閉,並取消作業。 下列命令會New-PSSession使用 Cmdlet 來建立連接到 Server01 計算機...
session, enter a remote session, and you are dropped onto a Windows PowerShell console prompt on the remote computer. The Windows PowerShell prompt that you see is remote—it resides on the remote computer. Typingdirinto the prompt displays the file system structure of the remote computer. ...
Figure 1Using runspace to run commands on a remote computer(Click the image for a larger view) The exact sequence of commands I ran is as follows: PS C:\>new-runspace -computer "WIN-YFZXQMHXAWM" PS C:\>$server2 = get-runspace -sessionid 2 PS C:\>push-runspace $server2 [win-yf...
This collection of objects—computer names, that is—is piped to the foreach command, which is really just an alias for the ForEach-Object cmdlet. The commands inside the curly braces are repeated once for each object that is piped in—for this example, that means they run once for each...