RUN echo "-DPKG_VERSION=$Env:PKG_VERSION" RUN echo "-DPKG_VERSION=${Env:PKG_VERSION}" powershell.exe(Windows PowerShell CLI)在传递给其-Command(-c)参数的代码中所要求的" 因此,请确保手动\-escape"个字符。是您命令的一部分: RUN echo \"-DPKG_VERSION=$Env:PKG_VERSION\" RUN echo \"-DPKG...
Execute a PowerShell Command in a session PowerShell -Command "Get-EventLog -LogName security" # Run a script block in a session PowerShell -Command {Get-EventLog -LogName security} # An alternate way to run a command in a new session PowerShell -Command "& {Get-EventLog -LogName secur...
使用Powershell。 Run "powershell" as Administrator(也就是以[系統管理員身分]來啟動Windows PowerShell ISE,執行以下PowerShell指令來產生Cluster Log) import-module failoverclusters Get-ClusterLog -Destination D:\temp\ 或 Get-ClusterLog Log會產生在預設路徑:C:\Windows\Cluster\Report...
Issue: when I run commands in any terminal (Powershell, command prompt, VSCode terminal, etc.)doesn't execute.What is supposed to happen: Run a command, for...
PowerShellis a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation and configuration tool/framework that works well with your existing tools and is optimized for dealing with structured data (e.g. JSON, CSV, XML, etc.), REST APIs, and object models. It includes a command-line shell, ...
about_Run_With_PowerShell about_Scopes about_Scripts about_Script_Blocks about_Script_Internationalization about_Session_Configurations about_Session_Configuration_Files about_Signing about_Simplified_Syntax about_Special_Characters about_Splatting about_Split about_Switch about_Tab_Expansion about_Telemetry ...
Error: Cannot find appropriate constructor - Works in ISE but not on command prompt ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified message when trying to run a script ERROR: Variable: found in expression: is not defined. ERROR:Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'DriveLetter'....
New-CMTSStepRunCommandLine -CommandLine <String> [-DisableWow64Redirection] [-OutputVariableName <String>] [-PackageId <String>] [-RunAsUser] [-SuccessCode <Int32[]>] [-Timeout <Int32>] [-UserName <String>] [-UserPassword <SecureString>] [-WorkingDirectory <String>] [-Condition <IResult...
描述: Get-Help 是多用途命令, 其作用是帮助你了解找到CmdLet 命令后如何使用它们, 如果使用的是help 函数或man 别名(而不是 Get-Help cmdlet)则不会收到此提示Do you want to run Update-Help?。 Tips : Get-Help 也可用于帮助查找 PowerShell 相关命令,但与 Get-Command 相比它采用不同且较为间接的方式...
Windows PowerShell 是針對 Common Language Runtime 4.0 所建立。 Cmdlet、指令碼與工作流程作者可以使用 Windows PowerShell 中新的 Microsoft .NET Framework 4 類別,其功能包括應用程式相容性與部署、Managed Extensibility Framework、平行運算、網路、Windows Communication Foundation 及 Windows Workflow Foundation。