{System.String} Name : powershell.exe CommandType : Application ModuleName : Module : RemotingCapability : PowerShell Parameters : ParameterSets : HelpUri : FileVersionInfo : File: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe InternalName: POWERSHELL OriginalFilename: PowerShell.EXE....
第一个命令创建参数名称和参数值对的哈希表,并将其存储在 $HashArguments 变量中。 第二个命令在带有散列传递的命令中使用 $HashArguments 变量。 在该命令中,At 符号 (@HashArguments) 替换了美元符号 ($HashArguments)。 若要为 WhatIf 开关参数提供值,请使用 $True 或$False。 PowerShell 复制 $Hash...
The following example shows the $input automatic variable with begin and end keywords. PowerShell Copy function Get-PipelineBeginEnd { begin { "Begin: The input is $input" } end { "End: The input is $input" } } If this function is run using the pipeline, it displays the following ...
PowerShell 复制 param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] ) # Boolean arguments can be defined using this shorthand syntax param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] ) 如果使用不带参数的 参数 属性,作为使用 CmdletBinding 属性的替代,属性名称后面的括号仍是必需的。PowerShell 复制 ...
第二个示例使用数组展开。 第一个命令创建参数值的数组,并将其存储在 变量中 $ArrayArguments。 这些值在数组中按位置顺序排列。 第二个命令在 $ArrayArguments splatting 命令中使用 变量。 At 符号 (@ArrayArguments) 替换命令中的美元符号 ($ArrayArguments)。PowerShell 复制 ...
To start Windows PowerShell with theRun as administratoroption, right-click on the PowerShell icon in the Start Menu and selectRun as administrator. How to enable remoting For errors: ERROR: ACCESS IS DENIED ERROR: The connection to the remote host was refused. Verify that the WS-Man...
Among the legitimate reasons to use it are wanting to run an application asynchronously, in a new window, with elevation (as administrator) or as a different user. If you use it to invoke a console application as the current user, you forgo all the benefits of direct invocation: synchronous...
BatchFile.cmd arguments To run a command that contains a space in its name, enclose its filename in singlequotes (‘) and precede the command with an ampersand (&), known in PowerShell as the Invoke operator: &‘C:Program FilesProgramProgram.exe’ arguments ...
Here's an example of removing the last domain controller in the domain with its minimal required arguments of -lastdomaincontrollerindomain and -removeapplicationpartitions: If you attempt to remove the AD DS role before demoting the server, Windows PowerShell blocks you with an error: Important ...
about_Run_With_PowerShell about_Scopes about_Scripts about_Script_Blocks about_Script_Internationalization about_Session_Configurations about_Session_Configuration_Files about_Signing about_Simplified_Syntax about_Special_Characters about_Splatting about_Split about_Switch about_Tab_Expansion about_Te...