工作流程函式會繼續迴圈, ForEach -Parallel 其中命令會循序執行,但會以平行方式在磁碟上執行。 平行命令和 ForEach -Parallel 循環會同時執行。 PowerShell 複製 workflow Test-Workflow { #Run commands in parallel. Parallel { Get-Process Get-Service } $Disks = Get-Disk # The disks are processed in...
在Windows PowerShell 4.0 中,如果模組在其資訊清單中使用DefaultCommandPrefix機碼,或如果使用者使用Prefix參數匯入模組,模組的ExportedCommands屬性就會顯示模組中具有該前置詞的命令。 當您使用模組限定語法 ModuleName\CommandName 執行命令時,命令名稱必須包含前置詞。
線程作業,透過Start-ThreadJob或ForEach-Object -Parallel啟動 (個別線程會話) 根據內容,內嵌變數值可以是呼叫端範圍中數據的獨立複本,或是參考數據。 在遠端和跨進程會話中,它們一律是獨立的複本。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱about_Remote_Variables。 在線程會話中,它們會以傳址方式傳遞。 這表示可以修改不同線程中的子...
在Windows PowerShell 4.0 中,如果某个模块在其清单中使用了DefaultCommandPrefix键,或者如果用户导入了一个带有Prefix参数的模块,则该模块的ExportedCommands属性将显示该模块中带有前缀的命令。 当你使用模块限定语法 ModuleName\CommandName 来运行这些命令时,命令名称必须包含前缀。
Run Multiple Commands In Powershell? @lx07 Alternatively if the commands were the same you could just run one command instead of 3 and run in parallel by listing the drives separated by commas Optimize-Volume -DriveLetter C,D,E -ReTrim -Verbose Code: PS C:\Windows\system32> Optimize-Volu...
在此版本的工作流中,Get-Process和Get-Service命令并行运行。 工作流函数继续执行到ForEach -Parallel循环,其中的命令按顺序运行,但它们对磁盘并行运行。 并行的命令和ForEach -Parallel循环并发运行。 PowerShell workflowTest-Workflow{#Run commands in parallel.Parallel {Get-ProcessGet-Service}$Disks=Get-Disk# ...
Example 11: Run slow script in parallel batches This example runs a script block that evaluates a string and sleeps for one second. PowerShell $Message="Output:"1..8|ForEach-Object-Parallel{"$using:Message$_"Start-Sleep1}-ThrottleLimit4Output:1Output:2Output:3Output:4Output:5Output:6Output...
Fan-out remoting is when you issue a set of commands to an entire group of remote servers at once. The commands "fan out" from your workstation to the group of servers in parallel. The commands execute on each server, and the results—in the form of Windows PowerShell objects—are retu...
1..5 | ForEach-Object { "Hello $_"; sleep 1 } Hello 1 Hello 2 Hello 3 Hello 4 Hello 5 (Measure-Command { 1..5 | ForEach-Object { "Hello $_"; sleep 1 } }).Seconds 5 But with the new ForEach-Object -Parallel parameter set, you can run all script in parallel for each ...
We can not use Process.Start() (or Start-Process) even for native commands because on Windows new windows will be opened. We should run script blocks that assumes having PowerShell context We can not use single elevated process because we need to have per user/per session/per runspace/per...