foreach ($file in $files) { # 获取文件名 $fileName = $file.Name # 替换字符 $newFileName = $fileName -replace "OldText", "NewText" # 构建新的文件路径 $newFilePath = Join-Path -Path $folderPath -ChildPath $newFileName # 重命名文件 Rename-Item -Path $file.FullName -NewName $ne...
!!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '$null'. 'Name' Attribute cannot be modified - owned by the system 'set-acl.e...
另一个非常有用的方法是Replace字符串的 方法。 方法Replace替换字符串中的文本。 在下面的示例中,点 (.) 可以紧跟在字符串的结尾引号后面。 PowerShell 'this is rocket science'.Replace('rocket','rock') Output this is rock science 如前面的示例所示,可以对通过使用命令获取的对象、变量中的对象或任何导致...
The Get-WinEvent cmdlet gets log information from the archived file. The Path parameter specifies the directory and file name. The Oldest parameter is used to output events in the order they are written, oldest to newest. The objects are sent down the pipeline to the...
Starting in v3.7.0-Preview1, help files for the command line aren't downloaded by default. Use this switch to download the files for cmdlet help at the command line. Tip: This parameter replaces the SkipLoadingCmdletHelp parameter. The SkipLoadingCmdletHelp parameter is no longer required and...
Function Get-SPInventory ([string]$filename) { $names = Get-Content $filename Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem –comp $names | Select CSName,BuildNumber,ServicePackMajorVersion } 您可以看到,我只是将有效代码包含在名为 Get-SPInventory 的函数中。我已使用名为 $filename 的输入参数对其进行定义,...
If you receive an error that a property can't be processed because a property with that name already exists, consider the following. Note that when usingExpandProperty,Select-Objectcan't replace an existing property. This means: If the expanded object has a property of the same name, the com...
# This sample script gets all Microsoft Entra application proxy applications published with the identical certificate.## .\replace_with_the_script_name.ps1 -CurrentThumbprint <thumbprint of the current certificate> -PFXFilePath <full path with PFX filename>## Version 1.0## This script require...
dog The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 我在PowerShell((Get-Content -path $filename -raw) -replace '`r`n','`r`n`r`n&#x 浏览0提问于2019-06-30得票数 0 回答已采纳 3回答 Python: newline困惑 、 我对Python (以及一般的编程)非常陌生,我正在努力弄清楚如何在脚本的末尾创建换行...