Writes new content or replaces existing content in a file.SyntaxPowerShell Copy Set-Content [-Path] <string[]> [-Value] <Object[]> [-PassThru] [-Filter <string>] [-Include <string[]>] [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Force] [-Credential <pscredential>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [-NoNew...
我们仍然用上面表格中的Replace方法,将分隔符稍作替换,即可增强可读性。 PS C:\> ("Pstips.net" | Get-Member Split).definition.Replace("), ", ")`n") string[] Split(Params char[] separator) string[] Split(char[] separator, int count) string[] Split(char[] separator, System.StringSplitOpti...
You can call the PowerShell replace method on any string to replace any literal string with another. If the string-to-be-replaced isn’t found, thereplace()method returns nothing. You don’t need to assign a string to a variable to replace text in a string. Instead, you can invoke the...
$stringBuilder=New-Object-TypeName"System.Text.StringBuilder"[void]$stringBuilder.Append("Numbers: ")foreach($numberin1..10000) { [void]$stringBuilder.Append("$number") }$message=$stringBuilder.ToString() 同樣地,這是我要連絡 .NET 的。 我不再經常使用它, 但很高興知道它在那裡。
$letter=Get-Content-PathTemplateLetter.txt-RAW$letter=$letter-replace'#FULL_NAME#','Kevin Marquette' 可能有大量要替换的标记。 这里的诀窍是使用易于查找和替换的独特标记。 我倾向于在两端使用一个特殊字符来帮助区分。 我最近发现了一种新方法来解决这一问题。 我决定把这部分留在这里,因为这是一种...
比较运算符还包括用于在文本中查找或替换模式的运算符。-match、-notmatch和-replace运算符使用正则表达式,-like和-notlike使用通配符*。 包含比较运算符确定测试值是否出现在引用集中(-in、-notin、-contains、-notcontains)。 类型比较运算符(-is、-isnot)确定对象是否为给定类型。
Type: String Aliases: Cn Position: Named Default value: Local computer Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False-CredentialSpecifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default value is the current user. Type a...
$stringBuilder = New-Object -TypeName "System.Text.StringBuilder" [void]$stringBuilder.Append("Numbers: ") foreach($number in 1..10000) { [void]$stringBuilder.Append(" $number") } $message = $stringBuilder.ToString() 08.使用花括号区分字符串和变量 ...
Gui.Internal Assembly: Microsoft.PowerShell.GPowerShell.dll Package: Microsoft.PowerShell.5.1.ReferenceAssemblies v1.0.0 "Resource String: _Replace" C++ 复制 public: static initonly System::String ^ ReplaceButtonText; Field Value String Applies to 产品版本 Windows PowerShell 5.1....
Because Windows PowerShell is built on the .NET Framework, any types, such as a string, object, and so forth, that are being returned or passed as parameters are exactly the same in the code as in Windows PowerShell; no special type conversion is needed. ...