$NewString = $InputString -replace [regex]::Escape("sentence for testing $ function."), "new sentence." 在上面的代码中,我们使用了Escape函数对“sentence for testing $ function.”字符串进行转义,然后使用这个转义后的字符串来进行匹配和替换操作。 3. 使用Capture Groups捕获匹配结果。有时候,我们需要...
import re regex = re.compile(r'coop') # 正则匹配替换 regex.sub('$$$','sdlaf ...
Capture groups can be referenced in the <substitute> string using the $ character before the group identifier. Two ways to reference capturing groups are by Number and by Name. By Number - Capturing Groups are numbered from left to right. PowerShell Copy 'John D. Smith' -replace '(\w+...
Capture groups can be referenced in the <substitute> string using the dollar sign ($) character before the group identifier. In the following example, the -replace operator accepts a username in the form of DomainName\Username and converts to the Username@DomainName format: powershell Copy ...
'first second third'-replace'(first) ((second) (third))','$1, $4, $2' 给分组命名(Named capture groups) 语法: (?<GroupName>Expression)'first second third'-match'(?<One>first) (?<Two>second) (?<Three>third)' 跳过分组的捕获(Non-capturing groups) ...
find users NOT in group Find value in array and return row value Find WINS Servers on IPv4 Adapters find word in a text file and return boolean Find, Backup and Delete Registry Key on Remote Machine Find/Replace text in multiple files finding certificate template name thru powershell Finding ...
If an options string contains the option name RegexMatch or it does not contain either RegexMatch or SimpleMatch, it may contain any option name except SimpleMatch. However, it must not contain both Multiline and Singleline.Here is the set of option names:...
Also see -RegexoptionNoSingleLine .PARAMETER ExtractionRegex The first capture group, indicated by parentheses, in the specified regexp, will be extracted instead of the entire output. If there is no match, it will fall back to -MultiLineJoinString ...
ConvertFrom-NamedCaptureGroupData Wrangling\ConvertFrom-NamedCaptureGroup.ps1Convert the output of a RegEx named capture group to a PSObjectLink Get-ChangeLogData Wrangling\Get-ChangeLog.ps1Comparing two objects or .csv files column by column.LinkLink ...