Powershell是一种用于自动化任务和配置管理的脚本语言,它在Windows操作系统中广泛应用于系统管理和云计算领域。在Powershell中,可以使用Remove-Item cmdlet来删除文...
Remove-Item "C:\Test\MyFolder" -Recurse 这个命令会删除MyFolder文件夹以及它下的所有文件和子目录。 2.强制删除只读文件 如果目录或文件包含只读属性,你可以使用-Force参数来强制删除这些文件: powershellCopy Code Remove-Item "C:\Test\MyFolder\readOnlyFile.txt" -Force -Force参数允许删除只读文件,系统文件...
Remove-Item [-Path] <String[]> [-Filter <String>] [-Include <String[]>] [-Exclude <String[]>] [-Recurse] [-Force] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [-Stream <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell Copiere ...
tar压缩文件的时候排除特定文件和文件夹: tar --exclude='./folder' --exclude='./upload/folder2...
Remove-Item-PathC:\temp\DeleteMe-Recurse 将本地文件夹映射为驱动器 还可以使用New-PSDrive命令来映射本地文件夹。 以下命令在本地 Program Files 目录中的根位置创建本地驱动器P:(只在 PowerShell 会话中可见): PowerShell New-PSDrive-NameP-Root$env:ProgramFiles-PSProviderFileSystem ...
Can I Exclude A Single Folder Using Copy-Item? Can I get AD User Office location? Can not execute powershell script from shared folder Can PowerShell be used to delete hidden USB/COM Ports? Can PowerShell restore previous versions of files/folders via Volume Shadow Services (VSS)? Can some...
The AccessRights parameter specifies the permission that you want to remove from the user on the mailbox. Valid values are: FullAccess SendAs ExternalAccount DeleteItem ReadPermission ChangePermission ChangeOwner You can specify multiple values separated by commas. Expand table Type: MailboxRights[]...
ii 使用对应的默认windows程序运行文件或者目录 Invoke-Item — 连接两个路径为一个路径 Join-Path mi, mv, move 移动文件或者目录 Move-Item ni 创建新文件或者目录 New-Item ri, rm, rmdir,del, erase, rd 删除空目录或者文件 Remove-Item rni, ren 重命名文件或者路径 Rename-Item rvpa 处理相对路径或者...
The Remove-Item cmdlet will utilize the wild card “*” to delete all the files located in the folder. To do so, you need to put the “*” in place of the file name and the extension. The execution of the below command will result in the deletion of all the files in the folder ...
ExcludeDumpster] [-ExcludeFolders <String[]>] [-IncludeFolders <String[]>] [-InternalFlags <InternalMrsFlag[]>] [-LargeItemLimit <Unlimited>] [-Name <String>] [-Priority <RequestPriority>] [-RequestExpiryInterval <Unlimited>] [-SkipMerging <SkippableMergeComponent[]>] [-SourceRootFolder <...