用到的命令: get-aduser;add-adgroupmember 完整命令:
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership显示对象的组成员身份 Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership从对象中移除组成员身份 创建新组 可使用 New-ADGroup cmdlet 来创建组。 使用 New-ADGroup cmdlet 创建组时,除了组名称之外,还必须使用 -GroupScope 参数。 此参数是唯一必需的参数。
Remove-ADUser删除用户帐户 Set-ADAccountPassword重置用户帐户的密码 Unlock-ADAccount解锁在登录次数超过允许的错误次数后被锁定的用户帐户 Enable-ADAccount启用用户帐户 Disable-ADAccount禁用用户帐户 检索用户 Get-ADUser cmdlet 要求你确定要检索的一个或多个用户。 为此,可以使用 -Iden...
Remove-ADGroupMember-Identity"Office365_LicenceE1_Base"-Members(Get-Content-Path"C:\Users\damien.hartmann\Documents\Comptes.txt")-Confirm:$false; Imagine your input file had 1,000 users in it at one user per line. Using a "for" loop approach would result in 1,000 separate calls to Active...
"Domain Users" in local users group isn't appropriate for us. Can I safely remove it? "Drive is not accessible. Access is denied" "Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation" rights is disabled for Administrator account despite delegation option in the "AD Computer Proper...
$userName="Caleb Sills"$userId= (Get-MgUser-Filter"displayName eq '$userName'").IdRemove-MgUser-UserId$userId-Confirm:$false 还原用户帐户 若要使用 Microsoft Graph PowerShell 还原用户帐户,请先连接到 Microsoft 365 租户。 若要还原已删除的用户帐户,需要权限范围Directory.ReadWrite.All。 使用此权限...
I have a group with multiple users. Each user has a direct assignment of multiple roles in AAD. I want to remove individual direct assignments using powershell/azure cli instead of doing it manually. How can I achieve this? ThanksMicrosoft Entra ID Microsoft Entra ID A Microsoft E...
Remove-ADTrust -Identity "TrustName" -Confirm:$true 计算机名管理 更改计算机名并将其从域中删除: powershellCopy Code Rename-Computer-NewName"NewComputerName"-DomainCredential"yourdomain\username"-Restart 域成员管理 按操作系统列出计算机: powershellCopy Code ...
Get-ADUser-Identity"johndoe"|Move-ADObject-TargetPath "OU=Sales,OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=com" 这条命令将账户 "johndoe" 移动到域中的 "Sales" 组织单元(OU)。 7. 删除用户账户 powershellCopy Code Remove-ADUser -Identity "johndoe" -Confirm:$false ...