在这里,$name.Contains($_)确保$name中有一个元音(因此,肯定会有一个匹配),如果是,则运行Regex.Replace,否则返回一个空字符串,随后的Where-Object { $_ }将删除这些空字符串。
具有-regex 选项 的 switch 语句 默认情况下,PowerShell 正则表达式不区分大小写。 上面所示的每个方法都有一种不同的方法来强制区分大小写。 对于Select-String,请使用CaseSensitive参数。 对于使用正则表达式的运算符,请使用区分大小写的版本:-cmatch、-creplace或-csplit ...
$string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" $string -replace 'brown', 'red' This code will replace the wordbrownwithredwithin the string variable. "The quick red fox jumps over the lazy dog" Using regex with PowerShell replace ...
多行 此模式可识别行和字符串的开始和结尾。 默认模式为 单行。 RegexMatch 使用正则表达式匹配计算分隔符。 这是默认值。 SimpleMatch 在计算分隔符时使用简单的字符串比较。 单行 此模式仅识别字符串的开始和结尾。 它是默认模式。脚本块 (§7.1.8) 指定用于确定分隔符的规则,并且必须计算结果为 bool 类型。例...
-creplace does a regular expression match, and with regexes you can say 'match this only if it isn't proceeded by something' using negative look behind. For example this regex: (?<!_)Test Says "match Test only if it isn't preceeded by a _". So try changing your -creplace cl...
You can use it directly in your PowerShell scripts with the -match and -replace operators. Or, you can instantiate System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex class to use all of .NET’s regex features. RegexBuddy makes it very easy to use the power of regexes in your PowerShell scripts. Select ...
虽然regexstorm.net是一个特定于. NET正则表达式(PowerShell构建于此)的类似网站,但多风格(多方言)...
您可以Read-Host从用户处读取值,然后使用可扩展字符串或-f运算符将它们添加到模板字符串中: # Ask for variable input form user$regionName = Read-Host 'Give me a region!'$facilityName = Read-Host 'Give me a facility!'# Construct group names based on input$regionGroupName = "${regionName} ...
Help using -replace with wildcard characters, specifically braces Help with $_.CreatedDate.Date and $_.LastWriteTime.Date Help with a script to remotely stop a service/restart several servers in a sequence using admin credentials Help with creating XML in Powershell Help with error: Unexpected to...
Simple Replace - This is NOT a case sensitive match. "hello world" -replace ``"world"``, ``"World" Simple Remove "hello world" -replace ``"world" Regex Replace "today is 04/13/1999" -replace ``"\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}"``, (``get``-date -f ``"MM/dd/yyyy"``) Regex Rep...