PowerShell Reference variables become particularly useful when passing parameters to functions. By default, when you pass a variable to a function in PowerShell, you are passing a copy of the value (pass by value). However, if you want the function to modify the original variable, you need ...
获取特定的作用域里某个变量的值,使用如下形式的语法: $SCOPE:variable 如创建一个在脚本执行完毕后仍旧有效的变量,使用GLOBAL作用域: $GLOBAL:variable = value 在某个函数内部更改脚本范围内的变量,需要显式地指定SCRIPT作用域: $SCRIPT:variable = value PowerShell 中变量的作用域,就是控制各变量在不同范围内...
$script:var="Modified from function" 最佳做法是避免在范围之间修改变量,因为这样做可能会导致混淆。 相反,将脚本范围变量设置为等于函数的输出。 如果函数中的数据位于变量中,则可以使用 Return() 将其传递回脚本。 下面是在函数末尾使用 Return() 将变量值传递回脚本范围的示例: ...
# Create a value type variable.$i=0# Create a reference type variable.$iRef= [ref]0# Invoke a scriptblock to attempt to change both values.&{$i++;$iRef.Value++}# Output the results."`$i =$i;`$iRef = $($iRef.Value)"
VariableReferenceNotSupportedInDataSection:无法在受限语言模式下引用或正在引用数据节的变量。 在会话中NoLanguage运行$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode命令时,PowerShell 将返回ScriptsNotAllowed错误消息。 ScriptsNotAllowed:此 runspace 不支持语法。 这可能是因为它处于无语言模式。
variable: $$ $? $^ $ variable-scope~opt~ variable-characters @ variable-scope~opt~ variable-characters braced-variable braced-variable: ${ variable-scope~opt~ braced-variable-characters } variable-scope: global: local: private: script: using: workflow: variable-namespace variable-namespace: vari...
Clear-Variable [-Name] <String[]> [-Include <String[]>] [-Exclude <String[]>] [-Force] [-PassThru] [-Scope <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]说明Clear-Variable cmdlet 删除存储在变量中的数据,但不删除该变量。 因此,该变量的值为 NULL(空)。 如果该变量具有指定的数据...
$Global:myVariable Note that, whenever you dot source a function or work with global variables, you had better ensure that you don’t use the same variable names at the script level or in other functions; if you do so, your script might then produce different results. ...
Reference: Trapping and Capturing Errors, Windows PowerShell Best Practices. #> function Test-QuestionVariable { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject[]])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Management.Automation.Language.ScriptBlo...