Let’s look at how to open, read, and parse emails in a connected Outlook mailbox from within a PowerShell script. Outlook MAPI allows you to directly access the mailbox, list mailbox items, and read the emails (including the sender’s address, subject, body, etc.). This scenario requ...
How to read .dbf files using powerhsell How to read a file as a string instead of an array? How to read in multiple values in one line in a CSV file How to recursively get nested properties from an XML file how to recyle a particular application pool in iis using powershell script....
PowerShell是一种用于自动化任务和配置管理的脚本语言和命令行工具。它是Windows操作系统中的一部分,可以与Outlook等Microsoft Office应用程序集成使用。 PowerS...
AutoAddSignature 參數會指定是否要自動將簽章新增至在 Outlook 網頁版 中建立的新電子郵件訊息。 有效值為: $true:Email 簽章會自動新增至新的訊息。 $false:Email 簽章不會自動新增至新的訊息。 SignatureText 參數所指定的電子郵件簽章會新增至純文字郵件。 SignatureHTML 參數所指定的電子郵件簽章則會新增至 HTML...
使用Export-QuarantineMessage cmdlet 从基于云的组织导出隔离的邮件和文件。 邮件将导出到 .eml 邮件文件,以便你可以在 Outlook 中打开它们。 对于SharePoint、OneDrive 和 Microsoft Teams 安全附件隔离的文件,这些文件以 Base64 格式导出。 有关以下语法部分的参数设置的详细信息,请参阅Exchange cmdlet 语法。
The ReadIsOptimizedForAccessibility switch specifies whether to read the value of the IsOptimizedForAccessibility property on the mailbox (whether the mailbox is configured to use the light version of Outlook on the web). You don't need to specify a value with this switch. ...
[-PopSuppressReadReceipt <Boolean>] [-PopUseProtocolDefaults <Boolean>] [-PrimarySmtpAddress <SmtpAddress>] [-PublicFolderClientAccess <Boolean>] [-ResetAutoBlockedDevices] [-SamAccountName <String>] [-ShowGalAsDefaultView <Boolean>] [-SmtpClientAuthenticationDisabled <Boolean>] [-UniversalOutlook...
#Read-Host -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString > c:\temp\key.txt #Check if O365 session is setup, if not, create a new one $Sessions=Get-PSSession if(($Sessions.ComputerName-eq"outlook.office365.com")-and($Sessions.State-ne'Broken')){ ...
Delete an email. Client-side rules: Those rules are executed only when Outlook is online, and the user is logged in. It will not work if an email is accessed from a different email client or a mobile device. What is more, it is impossible to use PowerShell to create or modify them ...
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyAllowed 參數會指定是否略過警告,指出使用 Office Outlook 2007 之前的 Microsoft Outlook 版本的用戶端不支援傳訊記錄管理 (MRM) 功能。 您不需要使用此參數指定值。 使用ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy 參數將 Managed 資料夾信箱原則指派給信箱時,除非使用 ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyAllowed 參數,...