{"logging": {"logLevel": {"Function.MyFunction":"Debug","default":"Trace"} } } For more information, seehost.json reference. Viewing the logs If your Function App is running in Azure, you can use Application Insights to monitor it. Readmonitoring Azure Functionsto learn more about viewin...
$LogCommandLifeCycleEvent = $true 若要禁用事件类型,请使用值为 $false键入变量,例如:PowerShell 复制 $LogCommandLifeCycleEvent = $false 启用的事件仅适用于当前 PowerShell 控制台。 若要将配置应用于所有控制台,请在 PowerShell 配置文件中保存变量设置。 有关详细信息,请参阅 about_Profiles。$...
Active Directory User Information into an xml file Active Directory user properties blank in CSV export Active Directory: New-ADUser character escaping AD and Powershell: How to retrieve the employeeid attribute AD attribute update of bulk user object from TXT file which contains samaccountname AD ...
Running this in parallel is almost twice as fast as running sequentially, because it involves some relatively slow disk access and can also take advantage of the machine multiple cores as it processes the log entries. When should it be avoided? ForEach-Object -Parallel should not be thought ...
The downloads for the alpha version of PowerShell built in the PowerShell repo that work on: Ubuntu14.04/16.04,CentOS 7.1, andMac OS X 10.11. The PowerShell open source project is athttps://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell. TheReadme.MDfile in that folder should display immediately. It ...
Prerequisites I have written a descriptive issue title. I have searched all issues to ensure it has not already been reported. I have read the troubleshooting guide. I am sure this issue is with the extension itself and does not reproduc...
doing something minor like changing a file’s ReadOnly attribute might rate a ConfirmImpact of “Low.” Restarting the computer might be a ConfirmImpact of “High.” Windows PowerShell uses this setting, along with the shell’s built-in $ConfirmPreference variable, to determine whether to autom...
Figure 1. The 'New repository' option in GitHub. On the resulting screen, seen in Figure 2, name the repository. Call it something simple. Figure 2. The new repository with the name 'techtarget-demo.' A README file is a useful way to let others know what the repository is for. ...
The WindowsUpdate.log is still located in C:\Windows, however when you open the file C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log, you will only see the following information:In order to read the WindowsUpdate.log in Windows 10, you will need to either perform one of two ...
Just point it to the file in question and you'll see not only if a file has been signed but whether the signature is intact, what certificate was used to sign the file, and so on. Besides working with Windows PowerShell scripts, this cmdlet also works with signed executables, like so:...