This function will incorporate PowerShell's ability to read from a text file, the use of its foreach loop structure, and the typing of variables. To get started, you create a text file that contains the names of three of the WMI class that were previously listed—such as the following:...
例如,可以运行下面的命令来显示 powershell.exe 的这些属性值,其中 $pid 包含正在运行的 Windows PowerShell 会话的进程 ID:Get-Process -Id $pid -FileVersionInfo | Format-List *version* -Force 新的Enter-PSHostProcess 和 Exit-PSHostProcess cmdlet 使你能够在独立于正在 Windows PowerShell...
機能を変更することなくコードの読みやすさと信頼性を高めるために ArrayList を List<T> に置換 (#10333) (@iSazonov!) に感謝) TestConnectionCommand へのコード スタイルの修正 (#10439) (@vexx32!) に感謝) AutomationEngine をクリーンアップし、余分な SetSessionStateDrive メソッド呼び...
Here's a tougher task. Read a list of computer names from a file, with one name per line, and show each computer's service pack number. In VBScript, this task would require a dozen or more lines of code. In Cmd.exe, you would have to use a complicated batch file. In Windows ...
If the value of Command is -, the command text is read from standard input.The Command parameter only accepts a script block for execution when it can recognize the value passed to Command as a ScriptBlock type. This is only possible when running powershell.exe from another PowerShell host...
Calling the same function from within the function (calling itself) Can a file be too large to be read with Get-Content ? Can a webpage be opened in a browser by a PowerShell command, but leave the PowerShell console window as the active window? Can I change the Pagefile Location via...
Get the First or Last “N” Lines of a Text file Use the -TotalCount parameter with the Get-Content cmdlet to read the first specific number of lines from the text file. For example, the following command reads the first two lines of the Log.txt file: ...
Read more... install-firefox.ps1 Installs the Firefox browser. Read more... list-clipboard.ps1 Lists the contents of the clipboard. Read more... new-email.ps1 Starts the default email client to write a new email. Read more... open-amazon-website.ps1 Opens Amazon's website. Read more...
The F5 key launches a command directly from the editor. To execute a particular line, select it and press F8. The context-sensitive help displays matching cmdlets when the user starts to enter a command. A command add-on shows a list of cmdlets to select. ...
Right-click Active Directory Domain Services in the Roles and Features list and select Remove Role or Feature. This interface skips the Server Selection page. The ServerManager cmdlets Uninstall-WindowsFeature and Remove-WindowsFeature will prevent you from removing the AD DS role until you demote ...