在PowerShell中,可以使用以下方法来实现多个Yes/No问题的处理: 使用条件语句:可以使用if语句来根据用户的输入执行不同的操作。例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 $answer = Read-Host "Do you want to proceed? (Y/N)" if ($answer -eq "Y" -or $answer -eq "y") { # 执行"Yes"的操作 } elseif ($answer...
Name --- SSHHost SSHHostHashParam 安裝最新的 Win32 OpenSSH。 如需安裝指示,請參閱 開始使用OpenSSH。 注意 如果您想要將PowerShell設定為OpenSSH的預設殼層,請參閱 設定OpenSSH的Windows。 sshd_config編輯位於的$env:ProgramData\ssh檔案。 請確定已啟用密碼驗證: 複製 PasswordAuthentication yes ...
Retrieves input from the host virtual console and writes it to the pipeline output.C++ 複製 public ref class ReadHostCommand sealed : System::Management::Automation::PSCmdletInheritance Object InternalCommand Cmdlet PSCmdlet ReadHostCommand
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" -arch=arm -host_arch=amd64 在64 位元電腦上啟動Visual Studio 2022 17.1 版或更新版本 Community Edition 的開發人員 PowerShell,建立以 arm64 為目標的組建輸出: ...
Host -foregroundColor "Red" -backgroundColor "White" ` "你想打开这些文件吗?" foreach ($file in $files) { "- " + $file.Path } # 然后确认这些文件是否为用户想打开的: $yes = ([System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]"&yes") $no = ([System.Management.Automation.Host.Choice...
How to Validate the date and time format entered in Read-host How to verify .NET version from remote list using Powershell How to verify email address is valid or not How to view running Powershell scripts? How to work with a CSV with blank fields How to work with multiple versions of...
If (New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient -ArgumentList 'SERVER',12232) { Write-Host 'YES' } If ($? -eq $false) { Write-Host 'NO' } EDIT: I should mention that all this does is see if the port is open and can be connected to. ...
Thepythonnetpackage gives Python developers extremely easy access to the dotnet runtime from Python. I thought this package might be the key for accessing PowerShell, after some investigation I found that it has exactly what I needed to host PowerShell in a Python script. ...
Speculation control settings for SBDR [shared buffers data read] Windows OS support for SBDR mitigation is present: True Hardware is vulnerable to SBDR: True Windows OS support for SBDR mitigation is enabled: True Speculation control settings for FBSDP [fill buffer stale data propagato...