Calling the same function from within the function (calling itself) Can a file be too large to be read with Get-Content ? Can a webpage be opened in a browser by a PowerShell command, but leave the PowerShell console window as the active window? Can I change the Pagefile Location via...
So what I am trying to do is read the full URL's from the .txt file - then loop through each .html and look for where the text regex in the .html matches then output it to a .csv file. In the .csv I have three fields in the end: 1) The source .html file example: https:...
In this example, we use theForloop to iterate through the$statesarray. The loop starts with the index$iset to 0 and continues as long as$iis less than the length of the array. Inside the loop, we access each state using the index$iand display a message with the state name. Here is...
Address(Add/Get/Copy/Set/Remove object type ipmask/subnet, FQDN, iprange, geo, mac and dynamic (SDN)) AddressGroup(Add/Get/Copy/Set/Remove and Add/Remove Member) DHCPServer (Get) DNS (Get) HA (Get) Interface(Add/Get/Set/Remove Vlan, aggregate, loopback and Add/Remove Member) ...
Using this method is shorter and easier to read than doing a binary comparison and equivalency check. Syntax Copy <enum-value>.HasFlag(<enum-flag-value>) The following example defines the ModuleFeatures flag enumeration and shows which flags the value 39 has. PowerShell Copy [Flags()] ...
Thedoloop is similar to thewhileloop. The only difference is PowerShell executes thedoloop at the end of the loop. do { ## do something } while ($i -lt 0) When you use aforeachloop, PowerShell repeats the code for each item mentioned in the script. ...
If you want to retrieve user input rather than just pause, the Read-Host cmdlet lets you read input from the user. For more information, see Read a Line of User Input. In other situations, you may sometimes want to write a loop in your script that runs at a constant speed—such as ...
\WINDOWS\system32> $VirtualMachine = Set-AzVmOsDisk -VM $VirtualMachine -Name $OsDiskName -Caching "ReadWrite" -CreateOption "FromImage" -Linux -StorageAccountType Standard_LRS PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $nicID = (Get-AzNetworkInterface -Name $NicName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupN...
To do this, we will create an additional PowerShell function named QryGetSQLWMIClassDefinitions and then add it to our SQLPowershell.ps1 library. This function will incorporate PowerShell's ability to read from a text file, the use of its foreach loop structure, and the typing of variables...