Get-Command*clipboard*CommandTypeNameVersionSource---CmdletGet-Clipboard7.0.0.0Microsoft.PowerShell.ManagementCmdletSet-Clipboard7.0.0.0Microsoft.PowerShell.Management To populate the clipboard with a directory structure, as an example, I can execute the following line Copy PS>Get-Childitem|Set-Clipboard T...
已将Get-Clipboard 和 Set-Clipboard cmdlet 添加到了 Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility 模块中;它们易于将内容传输到 Windows PowerShell 会话以及从其中传输内容。 剪贴板 cmdlet 支持图像、音频文件、文件列表和文本。 新的Clear-RecycleBin cmdlet 已添加到 Microsoft.PowerShell.Management 模块中;此 cmdlet 清空固定驱...
クロスプラットフォームの Get-Clipboard と Set-Clipboard を追加 (#10340) ファイルシステム オブジェクトの元のパスに、余分な末尾のスラッシュが付かないように修正 (#10959) ConvertTo-Json で $null をサポート (#10947) Windows で Out-Printer コマンドを再度追加 (#10906) ...
Set-Clipboard Set-Content Set-Item 設置-ItemProperty Set-Location Set-Service 僅限Windows Set-TimeZone 僅限Windows Set-WmiInstance 僅限Windows Show-ControlPanelItem 僅限Windows Show-EventLog 僅限Windows 分割路徑 Start-Process Start-Service 僅限Windows Start-Transaction 僅限Windows Stop-Comp...
FileRead FileRenamed FileTransferredByBluetooth FileUploadedToCloud LabelApplied LabelChanged LabelRecommended LabelRecommendedAndDismissed LabelRemoved NewProtection PastedToBrowser RemoveProtection ScreenCapture UploadFile UploadText WebpageCopiedToClipboard WebpagePrinted WebpageSavedToLocalTo...
suchasCitrix,RDP,VNC,Guacamole...using the clipboardfunctionUsage:.\Invoke-Transfer.ps1-split{FILE}-sec{SECONDS}发送120KB的数据块,设置时间延迟为秒 添加-guaca选项以通过Apache Guacamole发送文件.\Invoke-Transfer.ps1-merge{B64FILE}-out{FILE}将Base64文件合并到目标路径中的原始文件中.\
First, we load the Clipboard class into memory, specifying that it is a Windows Runtime class. Next, we callGetHistoryItemsAsyncandAwaitit to get the history items result. We take theItemsfrom the result, get theirContent, and ask eachContentfor its text. ...
(CLI), for remote control via SSH, for automation (e.g. via AutoHotkey/Jenkins or on startup/login/logoff/daily/shutdown/etc.), for context menus, for voice commands (seetalk2windows), or simply to learn PowerShell. All scripts are located in the 📂scriptssubfolder and support Unicode...
Some of the cmdlets included in the package are Get-Clipboard and Write-Clipboard, which let you add and retrieve the data on the clipboard buffer. Meanwhile, Get-DomainController retrieves a list of available domain controllers in the current domain, and Write-GZip and Write-Zip let you write...
You can then check if your file has been moved by the DIR command. If you don't see your file in its old folder, then you can be assured that it has been moved to the specified destination. To move multiple files at a single go, use the following command and hitEnter: ...