与ForEach-Object 的ArgumentList 参数一样,arguments 参数允许将值数组传递给配置为接受它们的脚本块。备注 从Windows PowerShell 3.0 开始,还可以使用“标量对象和集合的方法”完成集合中每个项的属性和执行方法。 可以在此处阅读有关 about_Methods 的详细信息。
Each job runs no more that 5 scripts concurrently. The total number of instances running concurrently is limited to 50 (10 jobs times the ThrottleLimit of 5).Parameters-ArgumentListSpecifies an array of arguments to a method call. For more information about the behavior of ArgumentList, see ...
Powershell 默认支持的.NET类型如下。 [array],[bool],[byte],[char],[datetime],[decimal],[double],[guid],[hashtable],[int16],[int32],[int],[int64],[long],[nullable],[psobject],[regex],[sbyte].[scriptblock],[single],[float],[string],[switch],[timespan],[type],[uint16],[uint3...
One thing that makes Windows PowerShell easy to use, is that it automatically unravels arrays. An array is when I add more than one thing to a variable. For example, earlier I assigned three values to three variables. Now, I want to add those three variables to a single variable. So I...
Specifies, as a string array, an item or items that this cmdlet includes in the operation. The value of this parameter qualifies the Path parameter. Enter a path element or pattern, such as "*.txt". Wildcard characters are permitted. The Include parameter is effective only when the comman...
Process { $_.Trim() } "Normalized split cities array:" $normalizedCities | ForEach-Object -Process { "`t'$_'" } Input cities string: ' New York; Osan ;Koforidua ' Split cities array: ' New York' ' Osan ' 'Koforidua ' Normalized split cities array: 'New York' 'Osan' '...
$normalizedCities=$splitCities|ForEach-Object-Process{$_.Trim() }"Normalized split cities array:"$normalizedCities|ForEach-Object-Process{"`t'$_'"} Input cities string:' New York; Osan ;Koforidua 'Split cities array:' New York'' Osan ''Koforidua 'Normalized split cities array:'New York...
It can also select unique objects from an array of objects, or it can select a specified number of objects from the beginning or end of an array of objects. Select-String Finds text in strings and files. Select-XML Finds text in an XML string or document. Send-MailMessage Sends an e-...
Best way to determine if all array elements are equal Best way to read the Certificate in powershell? Best way to run action again every minute, regardless of time taken to perform action Best Way to Run Powershell Script when File is Added to a Specific Directory Best way to translate \...
Pretty cool, huh? Would you rather see the amount of freemegabyteson each drive? No problem; just divide the free space by 1MB: Get-WMIObject Win32_LogicalDisk | ForEach-Object {$_.freespace / 1MB} And here’s what we get back: ...