AD Powershell script to generate last log in details for a specific user for last 60 days AD User - Update inheritable persmission AD User Creation Error AD User sid AD Users Active For Last 90 Days AD Users Change Company Name AD: Export list of all security groups + description ADCSAdmi...
函数原型 input(prompt=None) prompt:显示提示内容 input会接收并返回用户输入的内容 代码实现 命令行实现 ? pycharm实现 ?...Python 中的 None None是一个特殊的常量。 None和False不同。 None不是0。 None不是空字符串。...None和任何其他的数据类型比较永远返回False。 None有自己的数据类型NoneType。 你可以...
Prompt for single-line user inputPermalink Function: # Show input box popup and return the value entered by the user.functionRead-InputBoxDialog([string]$Message,[string]$WindowTitle,[string]$DefaultText){Add-Type-AssemblyNameMicrosoft.VisualBasicreturn[Microsoft.VisualBasic.I...
If you run the command without the mandatory parameter, PowerShell prompts you for input. To see the help message, type !? at the prompt and hit Enter.The following example declares a mandatory ComputerName parameter and a help message that explains the expected parameter value....
Piping is a command-line operator that directs the output of one PowerShell command to another PowerShell command for processing. Send the display output of the Get-OCSUsers command to a text file by using the Tee-Object command from your PowerShell command prompt: Copy Get-OcsUser | Tee...
例如,使用$Host.EnterNestedPrompt方法时,PowerShell 会提供嵌套命令提示符。 在 PowerShell 调试器中到达断点时,PowerShell 还会显示嵌套命令提示符。 输入嵌套提示时,PowerShell 会暂停 current 命令,保存执行上下文,并递增变量的值$NestedPromptLevel。 若要创建其他嵌套命令提示符(最多 128 个级别)或返回到原始命令...
For example, suppose you want to prompt for a computer name and retrieve the service pack version from that computer, but you don't know if the person typing in the computer name will include two backslashes (such as \\Server2). Since you know that the Get-WMIObject cmdlet doesn't need...
Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False -Message Specifies a message that appears in the authentication prompt. This parameter is designed for use in a function or script. You can use the message to explain to the user why you are requesting credentials and how they will...
Setting SupportsShouldProcess to True indicates that the cmdlet supports calls to the ShouldProcess method, which provides the cmdlet the opportunity to prompt the user for verification before an action that changes the system is performed. If this attribute isn't present or is set to False (...
如果Resolve-Path找到了多个文件会把它保存在一个数组中,这样的化会有很多不期望的文件被打开。函数使用了第六章讲到的PowerShell 内部的函数PromptForChoice(),来请求用户做出选择。 functionedit-file([string]$path=$(Throw "请输入相对路径!")){# 处理相对路径,并抑制错误$files=Resolve-Path$path-eaSilentlyCo...