function Prompt { $env:COMPUTERNAME + "\" + (Get-Location) + "> " } For more information about the PowerShell prompt, see about_Prompts. For other profile examples, see Customizing your shell environment. The NoProfile parameter To start PowerShell without profiles, use the NoProfile para...
Linux -~/.config/powershell/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 macOS -~/.config/powershell/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 Note In Windows, the location of theDocumentsfolder can be changed by folder redirection or OneDrive. We don't recommend redirecting theDocumentsfolder to a network share or ...
Location, location, location. Well, that and name. And – well, we’ll get to all that in a moment. The Windows PowerShell profile is simply a script file that runs when Windows PowerShell starts up. You can put cmdlets, scripts, functions – basically any valid Windows PowerShell ...
包含承载当前 Windows PowerShell 会话的进程的进程标识符 (PID)。 $Profile 包含当前用户和当前主机应用程序的 Windows PowerShell 配置文件的完整路径。可以在命令 中使用此变量表示配置文件。例如,可以在命令中使用此变量确定是否已创建某个配置文件: test-path $profile 也可以在命令中使用此变量创建配置文件: new-...
Set-Location-Path"C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents" 确认更改是否成功。再次输入Get-Location命令查看新目录是否已成功设置为默认工作目录。 请注意,这些更改仅适用于当前 PowerShell 会话。要使更改永久生效,您需要将新的工作目录添加到您的 PowerShell 配置文件(PowerShell Profile)中。
New-AzAutoscaleSetting ` -Name vmss-autoscalesetting1 ` -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName ` -Location eastus ` -Profile $defaultProfile ` -Enabled ` -PropertiesName "vmss-autoscalesetting1" ` -TargetResourceUri "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft....
Windows PowerShell profiles are not created automatically. To create a profile, create a text file with the specified name in the specified location. Typically, you will use the user-specific, shell-specific profile, known as the Windows PowerShelluser profile. The location of this profile is ...
Windows PowerShell profiles are not created automatically. To create a profile, create a text file with the specified name in the specified location. Typically, you will use the user-specific, shell-specific profile, known as the Windows PowerShelluser profile. The location of this profile is ...
powershell powershell配置文件位置 $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts该指令返回的配置文件路径在普通模式与管理员模式下均生效 pow...
你可以使用配置文件来自定义 PowerShell。$profile是用于存储“CurrentUser/CurrentHost”配置文件的路径和文件名的一个自动(内置)变量。 默认情况下此配置文件不存在,即使如此,PowerShell 也为其存储了路径和文件名。 在此命令中,$profile变量代表文件的路径。ItemType参数指定该命令创建一个文件。Force参数允许在配置文...