第 3 章还介绍了如何使用 Get-Command 的ParameterType 参数来确定哪些命令接受该类型的输入,尽管不一定是通过管道输入。根据命令提供帮助的程度,它可能包含 INPUTS 和 OUTPUTS 部分。PowerShell 复制 help Stop-Service -Full Output 复制 ... INPUTS System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController, System.String You ...
Command-1| Command-2| Command-3 后续行中的前导空格并不重要。 缩进增强了可读性。 PowerShell 7 添加了对在行开头具有管道字符的管道延续的支持。 以下示例演示如何使用此新功能。 PowerShell # Wrapping with a pipe at the beginning of a line (no backtick required)Get-Process|Where-ObjectCPU |Where...
$args[0]) { [void] $arraylist.Add($i) } } 'Redirect to $null' = { $arrayList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() foreach ($i in 0..$args[0]) { $arraylist.Add($i) > $null } } 'Pipe to Out-Null' = { $arrayList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() foreach...
This is designed to prevent command hijacking. Say someone creates a script named IPConfig.ps1 (PS1 is the file-name extension for Windows PowerShell script files). If files could be run out of the current folder, there would be a risk that you might type ipconfig and run this user ...
You can't pipe objects to this cmdlet.OutputsExtendedCmdletHelpInfoIf you run Get-Help on a command that doesn't have a help file, Get-Help returns an ExtendedCmdletHelpInfo object that represents autogenerated help.StringIf you get a conceptual help article, Get-Help returns it as a ...
You can pipe function name strings to this cmdlet. Outputs None This cmdlet returns no output. Notes To exclude a member from the list of exported members, add anExport-ModuleMembercommand that lists all other members but omits the member that you want to exclude. ...
Command-1| Command-2| Command-3 后续行中的前导空格并不重要。 缩进增强了可读性。 PowerShell 7 添加了对管道延续的支持,并在行的开头加上管道字符。 以下示例演示如何使用此新功能。 PowerShell # Wrapping with a pipe at the beginning of a line (no backtick required)Get-Process|Where-ObjectCPU ...
If you specify only a filename that does not correspond to a system command, use theWorkingDirectoryparameter to specify the path. Type:String Aliases:PSPath, Path Position:0 Default value:None Required:True Accept pipeline input:False
Invoke-Command:在远程计算机上执行命令。 Restart-Service:重新启动指定的服务。 Clear-EventLog:清除指定的事件日志。 Get-HotFix:获取已安装的热补丁信息。 Get-HotFix Source Description HotFixID InstalledBy InstalledOn --- --- --- --- --- Get-WindowsFeature:获取安装在系统上的 Windows 功能...
param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] [securestring] $securityKey ) powershell.exe -File $PSCommandPath -thisAppDomain @PSBoundParameters 此代码引发以下错误: 无法处理参数'securityKey‘上的参数转换。无法将"System.String“类型的”System.String“值转换为"System.Se...