$Results=$Employees|ForEach-Object-Process{$Employee=$_$Account=$Accounts|Where-Object-FilterScript{$_.Name-eq$Employee.Name } [pscustomobject]@{ Id =$Employee.Id Name =$Employee.Name Email =$Account.Email } } 但是,该实现必须针对$Employee集合中的每个项筛选一次$Accounts集合中的所有 5000...
Path参数按名称或值接受管道输入。 Output Get-Help Move-ItemProperty -Parameter Path -Path <String[]> Specifies the path to the current location of the property. Wildcard characters are permitted. Required? true Position? 0 Default value None Accept pipeline input? True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)...
exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\Script.ps1 Hello,Powershell Script PowerSploit PowerSploit是一款基于PowerShell的后渗透(Post-Exploition)框架软件,包含很多PowerShell攻击脚本,它们主要用于渗透中的信息侦查、权限提升、权限维持。其GitHub地址为:github.com/PowerShellMa 安装 我们把整个文件从GitHub上下载下来: ...
functionGet-CmdletAlias($cmdletname) {Get-Alias|Where-Object-FilterScript{$_.Definition-like"$cmdletname"} |Format-Table-PropertyDefinition, Name-AutoSize} Customize your console PowerShell functionCustomizeConsole {$hosttime= (Get-ChildItem-Path$PSHOME\pwsh.exe).CreationTime$hostversion="$($Host....
Specifies PowerShell modules that the script requires. Enter the module name and an optional version number. If the required modules aren't in the current session, PowerShell imports them. If the modules can't be imported, PowerShell throws a terminating error. ...
Get-WinEvent-Path'C:\Test\PowerShellCore Operational.evtx'-MaxEvents100ProviderName: PowerShellCore TimeCreated Id LevelDisplayName Message --- -- --- ---3/15/201909:54:544104Warning Creating Scriptblock text (1of1):...3/15/201909:37:1340962Information PowerShell console is readyforuser input...
Variables may be declared in a number of different scopes The scopes are as follows: 全局作用域(Global Scope) 局部作用域(Local Scope) 脚本作用域(Script Scope) 私有作用域(Private Scope) A numeric scope relative to the current scope By default, variables are placed in local scope ...
Switch back to the PowerShell command prompt and push the registry path we just manually visited into PowerShell’s default stack by typing: PowerShell pushd hkcu:\ Note: hkcu is the abbreviation for HKEY_CURRENT_USER Type dir to verify that you are indeed at the root lever of HKEY...
类型: PSCredential Position: Named 默认值: Current user 必需: False 接受管道输入: False 接受通配符: False-CustomMethod指定用于 Web 请求的自定义方法。 这可与终结点所需的请求方法一起使用,在 Method 上不可用。 Method 和CustomMethod 不能一起使用。 示例: Invoke-RestMethod -uri 'https://api.contoso...
类型: PSCredential Position: Named 默认值: Current user 必需: False 接受管道输入: False 接受通配符: False-ProxyUseDefaultCredentials指示此 cmdlet 使用当前用户的凭据来访问由 Proxy 参数指定的代理服务器。 仅当命令中还使用了 Proxy 参数时,此参数才有效。 不能在同一命令中使用 ProxyCredential 参数和 Proxy...