Many old VBScript scripts and console application .bat files or CDMs will already be doing this. You may have to pass these to a Windows PowerShell script—or the other way around—you may be running a Windows PowerShell script and need to pass the credentials down to the legacy application...
We have been trying to automate MFA in the background, without a user to sign in using the following command: Import-Module -Name...
How to pass an array of strings to a function in PowerShell? How to pass credentials in get-WMIObject command ? How to pass parameters to a PowerShell ISE script? how to point to current user desktop in command line ? how to powershell gui start-job to update form controls How to pro...
C# Start Program with different user credentials C# static Data Access Layer C# Stop Socket.Accept() C# stop/start code from - to day of week and time C# stored procedure timeout randomly, whereas it takes only 2s in SQL Server Management Studio c# StreamWriter to save data in csv file....
继续重新执行set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned选择Y 执行成功 C:\> powershell -file "c:\batch\demo.ps1" powershell -command Set-ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted powershell -file 1.ps1 -shocred -all >>1.txt 导出凭据 ps1 TO exe ...
$serverName= ‘’$secVaultCred= “C:\Users\myuser\Downloads\myvault_Mon Jul172023.VaultCredentials”$passphrase= ‘Default Passphrase’$alternateServers=Get-OBAlternateBackupServer-VaultCredentials$secVaultCred$altServer=$alternateServers[2] |Where-Object{$_.ServerName-Like$se...
Start-Process [-FilePath] <string> [[-ArgumentList] <string[]>] [-Credential <pscredential>] [-WorkingDirectory <string>] [-LoadUserProfile] [-NoNewWindow] [-PassThru] [-RedirectStandardError <string>] [-RedirectStandardInput <string>] [-RedirectStandardOutput <string>] [-WindowStyle <Proce...
Invoke-CredentialsPhish 这个脚本是用来欺骗用户输入账号密码信息的。 执行方式: PS > Invoke-CredentialsPhish 测试 执行后会弹出这个框欺骗用户输入 直到用户输入正确后这个框才会消失,然后我们就可以得到明文的管理员账号密码: FireBuster FireListener FireBuster可以对内网进行扫描,它会把包发给FireListener 执行方式: ...
那么理解这个问题呢我们可以看看powershell的特性,powershell是对下完全兼容的,也就是说你使用powershell 5.x的版本来执行powershell v1.0的代码也是完全没有问题的。那么我个人理解一下为什么是ps1,可以这么说,当我们见到ps2后缀之时就是powershell进行大的更新,也就是不对下兼容的时候,所以这里一直是使用ps1后缀。
Start cmd with remote credentials. Equivalent to "/netonly" inrunas. C:PS> Invoke-Runas -UserList SomeAccountList -PasswordList SomePassList -Domain SomeDomain -Binary C:WindowsSystem32cmd.exe -LogonType 0x2 #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] ...