Those are 2 different parametersets for the Get-Process cmdlet. Here is an example of how you would code parametersets using advanced functions: function test-param { param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName=”p1″,Position=0)] [DateTime] $d, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=”p2″,Position=0)] [int]...
<# .SYNOPSIS Short description here #> function Verb-Noun { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # This is the same as .Parameter [string]$Computername ) # Verb the Noun on the computer } .EXAMPLE 使用函式或腳本的範例命令,選擇性地接著範例輸出和描述。 針對每個範例重複這個關鍵詞。 .INPUTS ...
PowerShell 复制 Get-Help * -Parameter scope 若要查找在特定作用域内可见的变量,请使用 Scope 的Get-Variable 参数。 可见变量包括全局变量、父作用域中的变量和当前作用域中的变量。例如,以下命令可以获取在本地作用域内可见的变量:PowerShell 复制 Get-Variable -Scope local ...
Optional parameters have a default value, which is the value that is used or assumed when the parameter is not specified in the command. For example, the default value of theComputerNameparameter of many cmdlets is the name of the local computer. As a result, the local computer name is us...
Parameter Set: Default Invoke-WebRequest [-Uri] <Uri> [-Body <Object> ] [-Certificate <X509Certificate> ] [-CertificateThumbprint <String> ] [-ContentType <String> ] [-Credential <PSCredential> ] [-DisableKeepAlive] [-Headers <IDictionary> ] [-InFile <String> ] [-MaximumRedirection <Int...
Most other cmdlets (for example, New-* and Set-* cmdlets) don't have a built-in pause. For these cmdlets, specifying the Confirm switch without a value introduces a pause that forces you acknowledge the command before proceeding. Expand table Type: SwitchParameter Aliases: cf Position: Name...
ConvertTo-LineEndingRegex: Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'InputObject'. Cannot convert value "0" to type "EndOfLine" due to enumeration values that are not valid. Specify one of the following enumeration values and try again. The possible enumeration values are "CR,LF,CRLF...
Get-Help * -Parameter scope 특정 범위에 표시되는 변수를 찾으려면 의 매개 변수Get-Variable를 Scope 사용합니다. 표시되는 변수에는 전역 변수, 부모 범위의 변수 및 현재 범위의 변수가 포함됩...
The language mode set in the session configuration determines the language mode of the session. To specify the session configuration of a PSSession, use the ConfigurationName parameter of cmdlets that create a session. Beginning in PowerShell 7.3, you can run pwsh with the ConfigurationFile ...
COMMON PARAMETER DESCRIPTIONS -Debug[:{$true | $false}] Alias: db Displays programmer-level detail about the operation performed by the command. This parameter works only when the command generates a debugging message. For example, this parameter works when a command contains the Write-Debug cmdle...