在运行程序时需要将Console中间结果输出来,方便后续的查看,在Windows上使用PowerShell进行。 主要使用Start-Transcript和Stop-Transcript命令,但在细节上需要注意。 我在PowerShell中运行另一个可执行程序fortran_test.exe,在使用了Start-Transcript后只记录了命令,却没有记录该程序输出的中间信息,同样的问题也出现在运行CFD...
已在ForEach-Object 中新增平行執行 顯示其他 7 個 PowerShell 7.0 為開放原始碼、跨平台 (Windows、macOS 和 Linux) 的 PowerShell 版本,建置來管理異質環境和混合式雲端。 在此版本中,我們引進了許多新功能,包括: 使用ForEach-Object -Parallel進行管線平行處理 ...
修正Write-Output中的-NoEnumerate行為,以與 Windows PowerShell 一致。 (#9069) 讓Join-String -InputObject 1,2,3結果等於1,2,3 | Join-String結果 (#8611) (感謝 @sethvs!) 新增-Stable至Sort-Object和相關測試 (#7862) (感謝 @KirkMunro!) ...
PSD:\>$exitCode=$process.ExitCode PSD:\>Write-Output"程序退出代码:$exitCode" 程序退出代码: PSD:\>$process=Start-Process-FilePath"./a.exe"-NoNewWindow-PassThru-Wait a - b =255 PSD:\>$exitCode=$process.ExitCode PSD:\>Write-Output"程序退出代码:$exitCode""" 3. 获取程序执行耗时 在Li...
Write-Debug "Stopping the stop watch" $script:sw.Stop() Write-Debug "Converting stop watch to string, and calling Set-StopWatchValue" Set-StopWatchValue($script: sw.Elapsed.toString()) Now we are ready to print the output to the console. The first thing we do is tell how long it ...
Cmdlets generally output objects rather than text and should not format their output. A cmdlet processes its input objects from an object pipeline rather than from a stream of text. A cmdlet should not parse its own arguments and it should not specify a presentation for errors. Finally, ...
Out-File[[-Encoding] <Encoding>]-LiteralPath<string> [-Append] [-Force] [-NoClobber] [-Width <int>] [-NoNewline] [-InputObject <psobject>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Description TheOut-Filecmdlet sends output to a file. It implicitly uses PowerShell's formatting system...
Out-GridView [-InputObject <PSObject>] [-Title <String>] [-OutputMode <OutputModeOption>] [<CommonParameters>]说明此cmdlet 仅在 Windows 平台上可用。Out-GridView cmdlet 将输出从命令发送到网格视图窗口,在该窗口中输出将显示在一个交互式表中。因为...
ObjectEventRegistrationBase OpenMode OperatingSystemSKU OrderObjectBase OSEncryptionLevel OSProductSuite OSType OutDefaultCommand OutFileCommand OutGridViewCommand OutHostCommand OutLineOutputCommand OutNullCommand OutPrinterCommand OutputAssemblyType OutputModeOption ...
WriteInformation(Object, String[]) Route information to the user or host. (Inherited from Cmdlet) WriteObject(Object) Writes the object to the output pipe. (Inherited from Cmdlet) WriteObject(Object, Boolean) Writes one or more objects to the output pipe. If the object is a collectio...