<statement> {-AND | -OR | -XOR} <statement> {! | -NOT} <statement> 使用逻辑运算符的语句返回布尔值 (TRUE 或 FALSE) 值。 PowerShell 逻辑运算符仅计算确定语句真实值所需的语句。 如果包含 和 运算符的语句中的左操作数为 FALSE,则不计算右操作数。 如果包含 或 语句的语句中的左操作数为 TRU...
运行if 语句时,PowerShell 会将 <test1> 条件表达式计算为 true 或 false。 如果 <test1> 为true,则 <statement list 1> 运行,并且 PowerShell 将退出 if 语句。 如果 <test1> 为false,PowerShell 将评估由 <test2> 条件语句指定的条件。 有关布尔评估的详细信息,请参阅 about_Booleans。 如果<test2> 为...
compare two strings in if-then-else statement Compare two text files in Powershell and if a name is found in both files output content from file 2 to a 3rd text file Compare-Object : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'ReferenceObject' because it is null. Comparing 2 software versions to ...
catch [[<error type>][','<error type>]*] {<statement list>} 错误类型用括号括起来显示。 最外部的括号表示元素是可选的。 catch关键字后跟错误类型规范和语句列表的可选列表。 如果在try块中出现终止错误,PowerShell 将搜索相应的catch块。 如果找到一个块,则执行catch块中的语句。
("DisplayName") # for each value which is not blank if ($null -ne $value -and $value -ne ""){ # The below if statement looks through the values discovered above in the uninstall Registry location and only for the programs defined in the variables above $DisplayVersion = $Read...
Adding If/Else Conditional Logic You can also use the PowerShell Not Equal operator inside the conditional statements, such as the if/else statement. Related:Back to Basics: Conditional Logic with PowerShell If-Else For example, a service must be running in most cases if its StartType value ...
The function is created on the PowerShell command line. TheFunctioncommand uses the nameSearch-Help. PressEnterto begin adding statements to the function. From the>>prompt, add each statement and pressEnteras shown in the example. After the closing bracket is added, you're returned to a Powe...
Update Named and Statement block type inference to not consider AssignmentStatements and Increment/decrement operators as part of their output (#21137) (Thanks @MartinGC94!) Update DnsNameList for X509Certificate2 to use X509SubjectAlternativeNameExtension.EnumerateDnsNames Method (#24714) (Thanks @...
The term 'Connect-MsolService' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:20 ...