Thats right – you can now specify a hashtable and we’ll set these as NoteProperties on an object. What that means is that you can now write code like this: Copy $Object = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ LineNumber = $LineNumber Date = $TodayDate ServerName = $svr DatabaseName ...
[psobject]::new()foreach($propin$props) {$obj|Add-Member-MemberTypeNoteProperty-Name$prop-Value$i}$obj} }'PSObject.Properties.Add'= {param([int]$iterations, [string[]]$props)# this is how, behind the scenes, `Add-Member` attaches# new properties to our PSObject.# Worth having...
遠端執行的命令和背景作業會用盡進程。 跨進程會話會使用以 XML 為基礎的串行化和還原串行化,讓變數的值可跨進程界限使用。 串行化程式會將物件轉換成包含原始物件屬性但不包含其方法的 PSObject。 針對一組有限的類型,還原串行化會將物件重新凍結回原始類型。 解除凍結的對像是原始物件實例的複本。 它具有型別屬性...
如果新对象派生自 PSObject 类,而你指定了该对象上不存在的属性,则New-Object会将指定的属性作为 NoteProperty 添加到该对象。如果对象不是 PSObject,则该命令将生成一个非终止错误。 类型:IDictionary Position:Named 默认值:None 必需:False 接受管道输入:False ...
New-Object:创建.NET Framework对象或 COM 对象的实例。 Import-Csv/ConvertFrom-CSV:从定义为字符分隔值的项 (PSCustomObject) 创建自定义对象。 ConvertFrom-Json:创建在 JavaScript 对象表示法中定义的自定义对象 (JSON) 。 ConvertFrom-StringData:创建定义为键值对的自定义对象。
Select-Object [-InputObject <PSObject>] [[-Property] <Object[]>] [-ExcludeProperty <String[]>] [-ExpandProperty <String>] [-Unique] [-CaseInsensitive] [-Last <Int32>] [-First <Int32>] [-Skip <Int32>] [-Wait] [<CommonParameters>]Power...
若要按将属性添加到对象的顺序查看属性,必须使用 PSObject 内部成员。 PowerShell 复制 $Asset = New-Object -TypeName PSObject $d = [ordered]@{Name="Server30";System="Server Core";PSVersion="4.0"} $Asset | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers $d -TypeName Asset $Asset.PSObject.Properties | Select...
Type:PSObject[] Position:1 Default value:None Required:True Accept pipeline input:True Accept wildcard characters:False -ExcludeDifferent Indicates that this cmdlet displays only the characteristics of compared objects that are equal. The differences between the objects are discarded. ...
ForEach-Object[-InputObject <PSObject>] [-MemberName] <String> [-ArgumentList <Object[]>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell ForEach-Object-Parallel [-InputObject <psobject>] [-ThrottleLimit <int>] [-TimeoutSeconds <int>] [-AsJob] [-UseNewRunspace] [-WhatIf] [-...
New-Object PSObject -Property $info } } } function Set-Shortcut { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $LinkPath, $Hotkey, $IconLocation, $Arguments, $TargetPath ) begin { $shell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell } process { $link = $shell.CreateShortcut($Link...