create/rename folder uppercase Creating a condition with a time range Creating a directory dynamically using copy-item Creating a file name using date and computername. (Only edit the last line) Creating a file with the cmdlet New-Item fails every time Creating a lookup table in Powershell Cr...
Indicates using matching of the characters in the command to find with uppercase characters in a command. For example,i-psdfwould matchImport-PowerShellDataFileas each of the characters to find matches an uppercase character in the result. When using this type of match, any wildcards will res...
IgnoreUppercase 参数指定拼写检查程序是否忽略只包含大写字母的单词,例如首字母缩写。 有效值为$true或$false。 默认值为 $false。 展开表 Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Server 2010, ...
create/rename folder uppercase Creating a condition with a time range Creating a directory dynamically using copy-item Creating a file name using date and computername. (Only edit the last line) Creating a file with the cmdlet New-Item fails every time Creating a lookup table in Powershell Cr...
GUID Expand table Type: HostedContentFilterPolicyIdParameter Position: 1 Default value: None Required: True Accept pipeline input: True Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Online, Exchange Online Protection-IncreaseScoreWithBizOrInfoUrlsThe...
I hope this is useful to everyone. My goal was to get a list of all videos in my stream so that I could contact each video creator about the changes that are coming to stream. Also so I could figur... yeah tried different computers... I think issue on mine...
UserAgent"CQDPowerShell V2.0"$WebResource=$configRest.AuthLoginResource$client_id=$configRest.AuthWebAppClientIdAdd-Type-AssemblyName System.Web$resourceUrl=$WebResource$redirectUrl=""$nonce=[guid]::NewGuid().GUID$url="https://...
GUID Expand table Type: HostedContentFilterPolicyIdParameter Position: 1 Default value: None Required: True Accept pipeline input: True Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Online, Exchange Online Protection-IncreaseScoreWithBizOrInfoUrlsThe...
The two operators treat wildcards in almost exactly the same fashion; the only difference is that the -clike operator distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters: MSH D:\MshScripts> "foo" -like "FOO" True MSH D:\MshScripts> "foo" -clike "FOO" False Both -like and -clike ...
Push the current indentation level to the stack and set the new level the current column is greater than the indentation level. In this case, append or insert the specified token into the token queue. </member> <member name="M:YamlDotNet.Core.Scanner.FetchAnchor(System.Boolean)">...