To create a folder in PowerShell only if it doesn’t already exist, use the Test-Path cmdlet to check for the folder’s presence and New-Item to create it if necessary. Here’s a concise script that accomplishes this: $folderPath = “C:\MyFolder” if (-not (Test-Path -Path $fold...
From the query, it can be observed that it is going to be anif-elsescenario, which states that if the folder does not exist then create a new folder. There are five methods to create a folder if not exist in PowerShell, and each method involves the if-else condition scenario. Quick ...
This code specifies the folder path where we want to create the files. Then, we use aforloop to iterate from 1 to 5. In each iteration, we generate a unique file name using the loop variable$i, combine it with the folder path usingJoin-Path, and finally useNew-Itemto create the fil...
if(Test-Path-Path"C:\New\Documents"){Write-Host"The given folder exists."}else{Write-Host"The given folder does not exist."} 输出: The given folder does not exist. 在PowerShell 中使用System.IO.Directory检查是否存在文件夹 .NET框架中的System.IO.Directory类提供了用于创建、移动、删除和枚举目...
if(-not(Test-Path-Path$folder) ) {New-Item-TypeDirectory-Path$folder} 我想說,如果你預期會發生例外狀況,那麼這不是一個例外狀況。 因此,請檢查您的值,並驗證您可以在其中的條件。 如果您想要深入了解實際的例外狀況處理,我有一篇文章說明您曾經想要瞭解的例外狀況。
if ( -not (Test-Path -Path $folder) ) { New-Item -Type Directory -Path $folder } 예외가 발생할 것이라고 예상되면 그것은 사실 예외가 아니라고 말할 수 있습니다. 그러므로 값을 확인하고 가능한...
if 语句 比较运算符 集合运算符 显示另外 8 个 与许多其他语言一样,PowerShell 提供了用于在脚本中有条件地执行代码的语句。 其中一个语句是If语句。 今天,我们将深入探讨 PowerShell 中最基本的命令之一。 备注 本文的原始版本发布在@KevinMarquette撰写的博客上。 PowerShell 团队感谢 Kevin 与我们分享这篇文章。
It also returnsTrueif the path exists andFalseif it does not exist. [System.IO.Directory]::Exists("C:\New\complex") Output: The[System.IO.Directory]::Exists("C:\New\complex")has no parameter being used. Instead, it is directly calling a method to check if a folder exists in PowerS...
Write-Output "Folder created." } else { Write-Output "Folder already exists." } Creating a folder if it doesn’t exist You can also create a folder if it doesn’t exist in a specific directory. if (-Not (Test-Path "C:\path\to\new\folder")) { ...