Explains how to use a switch to handle multipleifstatements. Long description To check a condition in a script or function, use anifstatement. Theifstatement can check many types of conditions, including the value of variables and the properties of objects. ...
Like many other languages, PowerShell has statements for conditionally executing code in your scripts.
Explains how to use a switch to handle multipleifstatements. PowerShell provides completions on input to provide hints, enable discovery, and speed up input entry. Command names, parameter names, argument values and file paths can all be completed by pressing theTabkey. ...
Explains how to use a switch statement to replace multiple If statements. about_Throw Describes the Throw keyword, which generates a terminating error. about_Transactions Explains how to manage transacted operations in Windows PowerShell. about_Trap Describes the Trap keyword, which handles a terminati...
Explains how to use a switch statement to replace multipleIfstatements. about_Throw Describes theThrowkeyword, which generates a terminating error. about_Transactions Explains how to manage transacted operations in Windows PowerShell. about_Trap
You can use multipleelseifstatements to chain a series of conditional tests. Each test is run only if all the previous tests are false. If you need to create anifstatement that contains manyelseifstatements, consider using a Switch statement instead. ...
() conversion$hash|Select-String-Pattern'foo'# Out-String converts the output to a single multi-line string objectPS>$hash|Out-String|Select-String-Pattern'foo'Name Value --- --- Name foo Category bar# Out-String -Stream converts the output to a multiple single-line string objectsPS>$...
Explains how to use a switch to handle multiple if statements.about_Tab_ExpansionPowerShell provides completions on input to provide hints, enable discovery, and speed up input entry. Command names, parameter names, argument values and file paths can all be completed by pressing the Tab key....
If you want to do something which is multiple statements, you can put them inside a $() and they are considered a single statement. foreach ($p in $($max=700; gps |where {$_.handles -le $max})) {$p.Name} Here is why I like this usage of foreach: ...
It is a little more code, but if you measure the results you will see that in this situation the later script is more than 50 times faster than the one with the wrapped cmdlet pipeline. Multiple output pipelines With the steppable pipeline technique, you might even have multiple output pipe...